首页> 外文期刊>藥學雜誌 >京都薬科大学での漢方教育の取り組み



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An approach to educating our pharmaceutical students about Kampo medicine in the six-year system of undergraduate pharmacy education at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University is introduced, including the author's opinions. Curriculum revisions have been made in our university for students entering after 2012. In teaching Kampo medicine at present, a medical doctor and an on-site pharmacist share information difficult to give in alecture with the teaching staff in my laboratory. For example, before the curriculum revision, we conferred with a pharmacist and a doctor in the course "Kampo Medicine A, B,, for 4th year students, in which students were presented a basic knowledge of Kampo medicine, the application of important Kampo medicines, combinations of crude drugs, etc. Further, in our "Introduction to Kampo Medicine" for 6th year students, presented after they have practiced in hospitals and community pharmacies, we again lecture on the pharmacological characteristics of Kampo medicines, on "pattern (Sho) ,,, and on evidence-based medicine (EBM) and research studies of important Kampo medicines. After our curriculum revision, "Kampo Medicine A, B,, was rearranged into the courses "Kampo and Pharmacognosy" and "Clinical Kampo Medicine". "Kampo and Pharmacognosy'' is now provided in the second semester of the 3rd year, and in this course we lecture 6n the basic knowledge of Kampo medicine. An advanced lecture will be given on "Clinical Kampo Medicine" in the 6th year. We are searching for the best way to interest students in Kampo medicine, and to counteract any misunderstandings about Kampo medicine.
机译:介绍了一种在京都药科大学的六年制本科药学教育体系中对我们的药学专业的学生进行有关汉方医学教育的方法,包括作者的观点。我们的大学已经对2012年以后入学的学生进行了课程修订。目前,在教授Kampo医学时,一名医生和一名现场药剂师难以与我实验室的教职员工分享所需的信息。例如,在课程修订之前,我们为四年级的学生授课了一名药剂师和一名医生“坎波医学A,B”课程,向学生介绍了坎波医学的基本知识,重要的坎波医学的应用此外,在我们为六年级学生开设的《汉方医学概论》中,他们在医院和社区药房实习后介绍了该课程,我们再次就汉方药物的药理特性讲授“模式(Sho )、,以及关于循证医学(EBM)和重要汉方药物的研究。课程修订后,将“ Kampo Medicine A,B”重新安排为“ Kampo and Pharmacognosy”和“ Clinical Kampo Medicine”课程。“ Kampo and Pharmacognosy”现已在第三学期的第二学期和第二学期提供。这门课我们讲6n汉方医学的基本知识。第6年将进行有关“临床Kampo医学”的高级讲座。我们正在寻找使学生对汉方医学产生兴趣的最佳方法,以消除对汉方医学的任何误解。



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