首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Mathematical Physics >An Analog of the 2-Wasserstein Metric in Non-Commutative Probability Under Which the Fermionic Fokker–Planck Equation is Gradient Flow for the Entropy

An Analog of the 2-Wasserstein Metric in Non-Commutative Probability Under Which the Fermionic Fokker–Planck Equation is Gradient Flow for the Entropy


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Let C denote the Clifford algebra over R~n,which is the von Neumann algebra generated by n self-adjoint operators Q_j, j = 1,..., n satisfying the canonical anticommutation relations, Q_i Q_j + Q_j Q_i = 2δ_(i j) I, and let τ denote the normalized trace on C. This algebra arises in quantum mechanics as the algebra of observables generated by n fermionic degrees of freedom. Let P denote the set of all positive operators ρ ∈ C such that τ(ρ) = 1; these are the non-commutative analogs of probability densities in the non-commutative probability space (C, τ). The fermionic Fokker–Planck equation is a quantum-mechanical analog of the classical Fokker–Planck equation with which it has much in common, such as the same optimal hypercontractivity properties. In this paper we construct a Riemannian metric on P that we show to be a natural analog of the classical 2-Wasserstein metric, and we show that, in analogy with the classical case, the fermionic Fokker–Planck equation is gradient flow in this metric for the relative entropy with respect to the ground state. We derive a number of consequences of this, such as a sharp Talagrand inequality for this metric, and we prove a number of results pertaining to this metric. Several open problems are raised.
机译:令C表示R〜n上的Clifford代数,它是由n个自伴算子Q_j,j = 1,...,n满足规范的对换关系Q_i Q_j + Q_j Q_i =2δ_(ij )I,令τ表示C上的归一化迹。此代数在量子力学中出现,是n个费米子自由度所产生的可观测量的代数。设P表示所有正算子ρ∈C的集合,使得τ(ρ)= 1;这些是非可交换概率空间(C,τ)中概率密度的非可交换类似物。费米离子的Fokker-Planck方程是经典Fokker-Planck方程的量子力学模拟,它具有许多共同点,例如相同的最佳超收缩性质。在本文中,我们在P上构造了黎曼度量,证明它是经典2-Wasserstein度量的自然类似物,并且我们证明,与经典情形类似,费米离子Fokker-Planck方程在该度量中是梯度流关于基态的相对熵。我们得出了许多这样的结果,例如此度量标准存在严重的Talagrand不等式,并且证明了与该度量标准有关的许多结果。提出了几个未解决的问题。



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