首页> 外文期刊>Comparative biochemistry and physiology, Part A. Molecular and integrative physiology >Measuring subcutaneous temperature and differential rates of rewarming from hibernation and daily torpor in two species of bats

Measuring subcutaneous temperature and differential rates of rewarming from hibernation and daily torpor in two species of bats


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Prolonged and remote measurement of body temperature (T-b) in undisturbed small hibernators was not possible in the past because of technological limitations. Although passive integrated transponders (PITs) have been used previously to measure subcutaneous temperature (T-sub) during daily torpor in a small marsupial, no study has attempted to use these devices at T-b(s) below 10 degrees C. Therefore, we investigated whether subcutaneous interscapular PITs can be used as a viable tool for measuring T-b in a small hibernating bat (Nyctophilus gouldi Ng) and compared it with measurements of T-b during daily torpor in a heterothermic bat (Syconycteris australis; Sa). The precision of transponders was investigated as a function of ambient temperature (T-a) and remote T-sub readings enabled us to quantify T-sub-T-b differentials during steady-state torpor and arousal. Transponders functioned well outside the manufacturer's recommended range, down to similar to 5 degrees C. At rest, T-sub and rectal T-b (T-rec) were strongly correlated for both bat species (Ng r(2) = 0.88; Sa r(2) = 0.95) and this was also true for N. gouldi in steady-state torpor (r(2) = 0.93). During induced rewarming T-sub increased faster than T-rec in both species. Our results demonstrate that transponders can be used to provide accurate remote measurement of T-b in two species of bats during different physiological states, both during steady-state conditions and throughout dynamic phases such as rewarming from torpor. We show that, at least during rewarming, regional heterothermy common to larger hibernators and other hibernating bats is also present in bats capable of daily torpor. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:由于技术限制,过去无法在不受干扰的小型冬眠器中进行长时间的体温(T-b)测量。尽管以前曾使用被动集成应答器(PIT)来在小型有袋动物的日常打气过程中测量皮下温度(T-sub),但尚无研究尝试在低于10摄氏度的Tb下使用这些设备。因此,我们进行了调查皮下肩inter间PIT是否可以用作在小型冬眠蝙蝠(Nyctophilus gouldi Ng)中测量Tb的可行工具,并将其与在异温蝙蝠(Syconycteris australis; Sa)中每天进行Torpor测量时的Tb进行比较。对应答器的精度作为环境温度(T-a)的函数进行了研究,远程T-sub读数使我们能够量化稳态稳态和激发状态下T-sub-T-b的差异。应答器在制造商建议的范围外(低至5摄氏度左右)都能正常工作。静止时,两种蝙蝠的T-sub和直肠Tb(T-rec)都具有很强的相关性(Ng r(2)= 0.88; Sa r( 2)= 0.95),对于稳态托波尔猪笼草N. guldi(r(2)= 0.93)也是如此。在诱导的变温过程中,两个物种中的T-sub的增长速度都快于T-rec。我们的结果表明,在稳态条件下以及在整个动态阶段(例如从火炬重温)中,应答器均可用于在不同生理状态下对两种蝙蝠中的T-b进行准确的远程测量。我们表明,至少在变温期间,大型冬眠者和其他冬眠蝙蝠共有的区域异温现象也存在于每天能够进行折返的蝙蝠中。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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