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How Italy and Austria are Changing with Respect to the Tree Fruit Industry and Global Economy


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The economic situation in the tree fruit industries in Italy (South Tyrol) and Austria (Styria) depends mainly upon the total European fruit production, which in the short term is very changeable from one year to another. On the other hand, long-termdevelopments shows us a continuously reduction of the apple price. In the past, the growers have reacted by increasing productivity and efficiency by a) adapting intensive plantings systems, b) introducing continuously better paid new varieties and c) protecting their crops by investing in hail nets. Nowadays, this development has concluded and offers very little chances of improvement.
机译:意大利(南蒂罗尔州)和奥地利(施蒂里亚州)的果树产业的经济状况主要取决于欧洲水果的总产量,在短期内一年到一年的变化很大。另一方面,长期发展向我们展示了苹果价格的不断降低。过去,种植者通过以下方式做出反应:提高生产力和效率,方法是:a)调整集约化种植体系; b)引入价格持续较高的新品种;以及c)通过投资冰雹网保护作物。如今,这种发展已经结束,几乎没有改善的机会。



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