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CHINOOK'S: NEW LEASE OF LIFE - The RAF prepares for facelifted and new Chinooks


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Less than 18 months after its first flight on 9 December 2010, the first upgraded Royal Air Force Chinook HC4s should be operating at RAF Odiham, with delivery expected in early 2012. FOR THE ROYAL AIR FORCE Chinook Wing, home-based at RAF Odiham, Hampshire, 2011 was a memorable year. October saw the 30th anniversary of Chinook operations at the base. In late August, the UK Ministry of Defence confirmed a £l-billion ($1.64-billion) contract with Boeing to provide 14 new-build CH-47F helicopters, designated as Chinook HC6s. including associated support for the first five years. This was over and above Project 'Julius', a £480-million upgrade programme to deliver more powerful engines and an advanced, digitised cockpit to the existing fleet of 46 Chinook HC2s, HC2 As and HC3s. As a result, these will be re-designated as Chinook HC4s. HC4 As and HC5s respectively. The first upgraded Chinook HC4 was expected at RAF Odiham in early 2012 and the initial new-build Chinook HC6 is due to be handed over for initial trials and testing in 2013, with deliveries completed by the end of 2015.
机译:在2010年12月9日首飞之后不到18个月,首批升级的皇家空军奇努克HC4应当在皇家空军奥迪汉姆行动,预计于2012年初交付。 2011年是新罕布什尔州值得纪念的一年。 10月是奇努克基地作战30周年。 8月下旬,英国国防部确认与波音公司签订价值10亿欧元(16.4亿美元)的合同,提供14架新型CH-47F直升机,称为奇努克HC6。包括前五年的相关支持。这超出了“ Julius”项目的要求,该项目耗资4.8亿英镑,用于为现有的46架支努干HC2,HC2 As和HC3机队提供更强大的发动机和先进的数字化驾驶舱。结果,这些将被重新指定为Chinook HC4。 HC4 As和HC5s。预计首架升级版的奇努克HC4计划于2012年初在皇家空军奥迪汉姆举行,首批新型奇努克HC6计划于2013年移交给初步测试和测试,并于2015年底完成交付。



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