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Onomatopoeias: a new perspective around space, image schemas and phoneme clusters


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Onomatopoeias (d Greek 'name', 'I make') are mimetic elements representing sounds and lexicalizations of sounds (to smack). A large set of problems and studies (based on repositories: Gubern and Gasca in Diccionario de onomatopeyas del comic. Cattedra, Madrid, 2008:1.000 lemmas; corpora: Zlatev in Sound symbolism and cross-modal iconicity in language, Universita Roma Tre, Rome, 2013; algorithms: Asaga et al. in Onomatopedia, pp 601-612, 2008) has been related to onomatopoeias since Cratilo's analysis of the analogical dimension of verbal language. Nonetheless, it is still difficult to accept a (semantic, functional or grammatical) descriptive and explicative model of onomatopoeia, because the rules that constrain processes of selection and construction remain idiosyncratic and variable (Dogana in Le parole dell'incanto. FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2002; Catricala 2011). This article proposes a classification model based on spatial cognition criteria. The hypothesis (Catricala 2011) is that onomatopoeias are related to image schemas (Johnson in The body in the mind. University Press, Chicago, 1987), i.e. to the visual mapping of a movement. We also refer to force dynamic (Talmy in Language typology and lexical description, pp 36-149, 1985; Jackendoff in Semantic structures. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1990) as a basic model of conceptual maps (Langacker in Grammar and conceptualization. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999). Categories are related to the presence of specific phonemes and phoneme clusters, while visual patterns correspond to different image schemas. The association between specific categories of pseudo-onomatopoeias and specific spatial/movement patterns is also the object of an experiment focused on onomatopoeia interpretation. Most part of data confirms a correlation between image schemas as CONTAINER/CONTAINMENT (crunch, plop) or SOURCE-PATH-GOAL (tattarrattat 'shots') and an occlusive consonant, while liquid and trill consonants correlate with PATH (vroom).
机译:拟声词(<古希腊语的“名称”,“我做”)是表示声音和声音词汇化(模仿)的模仿元素。大量问题和研究(基于存储库:Gubern and Gasca in Diccionario de onomatopeyas del comic。Cattedra,Madrid,2008:1.000 lemmas;语料库:Zlatev的声音象征和语言的跨模式象似性,罗马大学,罗马) (2013年;算法:Asaga等人,拟声词,第601-612页,2008年)与拟声词有关,因为Cratilo对口头语言的类比维度进行了分析。但是,由于拟声词的(语义,功能或语法)描述性和解释性模型仍然难以接受,因为约束选择和构建过程的规则仍然是特质和可变的(Le parole dell'incanto中的Dogana。FrancoAngeli,Milano, 2002;卡特里卡拉(Catricala)2011)。本文提出了一种基于空间认知标准的分类模型。假设(Catricala,2011年)是,拟声词与图像模式(Johnson in the Body in the mind。University Press,Chicago,1987)有关,即与运动的视觉映射有关。我们还把力动力(概念语言的基本模型)(语言语法和概念化的Langacker的基础模型)(Talmy,语言类型学和词汇描述,1985年,第36-149页; Jackendoff,语义结构,麻省理工学院出版社,剑桥,1990年)称为模型。 Gruyter,柏林,1999年)。类别与特定音素和音素簇的存在有关,而视觉模式对应于不同的图像模式。拟声拟声词的特定类别与特定空间/运动模式之间的关联也是侧重于拟声词解释的实验的对象。大部分数据证实了图像模式之间的相关性,例如容器/容器(咬嚼,扑通)或源路径-目标(塔塔拉塔特的“镜头”)和闭合辅音,而液体辅音和颤音辅音与路径(vroom)相关。



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