首页> 外文期刊>Biophysical Journal >Electrostatic solvation energy for two oppositely charged ions in a solvated protein system: salt bridges can stabilize proteins.

Electrostatic solvation energy for two oppositely charged ions in a solvated protein system: salt bridges can stabilize proteins.


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Born-type electrostatic continuum methods have been an indispensable ingredient in a variety of implicit-solvent methods that reduce computational effort by orders of magnitude compared to explicit-solvent MD simulations and thus enable treatment using larger systems and/or longer times. An analysis of the limitations and failures of the Born approaches serves as a guide for fundamental improvements without diminishing the importance of prior works. One of the major limitations of the Born theory is the lack of a liquidlike description of the response of solvent dipoles to the electrostatic field of the solute and the changes therein, a feature contained in the continuum Langevin-Debye (LD) model applied here to investigate how Coulombic interactions depend on the location of charges relative to the protein/water boundary. This physically more realistic LD model is applied to study the stability of salt bridges. When compared head to head using the same (independently measurable) physical parameters (radii, dielectric constants, etc.), the LD model is in good agreement with observations, whereas the Born model is grossly in error. Our calculations also suggest that a salt bridge on the protein's surface can be stabilizing when the charge separation is < or =4 A.
机译:Born型静电连续谱方法已成为各种隐式溶剂方法中必不可少的组成部分,与显式溶剂MD模拟相比,隐式溶剂方法将计算工作量减少了几个数量级,因此可以使用更大的系统和/或更长时间进行处理。对Born方法的局限性和失败进行的分析可作为基础改进的指南,而又不会降低先前工作的重要性。 Born理论的主要局限性之一是缺乏对溶剂偶极子对溶质静电场及其变化的响应的类似液体的描述,这是本文连续兰格文-德拜(LD)模型所包含的特征研究库仑相互作用如何取决于相对于蛋白质/水边界的电荷位置。此物理上更实际的LD模型用于研究盐桥的稳定性。当使用相同(可独立测量)的物理参数(半径,介电常数等)进行正面比较时,LD模型与观测值非常吻合,而Born模型则存在很大误差。我们的计算还表明,当电荷分离小于或等于4 A时,蛋白质表面的盐桥可能会稳定。



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