首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental medicine >A T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay for tuberculosis screening in Chinese patients with rheumatic diseases receiving infliximab therapy.

A T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay for tuberculosis screening in Chinese patients with rheumatic diseases receiving infliximab therapy.


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Anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) therapy brought new hopes for treating rheumatic diseases but also increased the risk of infection, including mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb). Conventional screening tools, such as tuberculin skin test (TST), lack sensitivity or specificity. Recently, T-SPOT.TB has been introduced to detect tuberculosis infection. Reports have proved its superior performance in detecting tuberculosis infection in various patient populations than the TST. To compare the value of a T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISPOT) T-SPOT.TB and conventional (TST) in screening and monitoring tuberculosis in patients with rheumatic diseases during infliximab therapy in China. Fifty-eight patients with various rheumatic diseases who received infliximab therapy were enrolled in the trial. Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with MTb-specific antigens (ESAT-6 and CFP10), and IFN-gamma-producing cells were counted. TST was performed with 1 TU PPD injected intradermally into the volar aspect of forearm. A cutaneous induration with diameter >/=5 mm was considered as positive TST, and an increment >/=5 mm of cutaneous induration was considered as TST conversion. TST and T-SPOT.TB test were carried out at baseline and repeated 12 months after infliximab therapy (if no active TB occurs) or at times when TB occurred. Moreover, all patients were initially evaluated for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) with clinical examination and chest radiograph. The McNemar test was used for TST and T-SPOT.TB concordance analysis. Cohen's kappa coefficient was used to assess strength of the agreement. Among the 58 patients evaluated, 25 (43.1%) had ankylosing spondylitis, 24 (41.4%) had rheumatoid arthritis, 4 (6.9%) had undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy, 3 (5.2%) had psoriatic arthritis and 2 (3.4%) had reactive arthritis. A total of 52 patients (89.7%) had previously received vaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guerin. All of the patients received either single or combination of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARDs) therapy, and 16 (27.4%) had previously or presently received glucocorticoid therapy. Before infliximab therapy, 12 patients (20.7%) had positive and 46 (79.3%) had negative TST results, and only 1 (1.7%) had positive T-SPOT.TB. Among 51 patients completing the repeated TST and T-SPOT.TB assay, 7 patients (13.7%) had TST conversion and 4 (7.8%) had positive T-SPOT.TB results. Of 7 patients with TST conversion, 2 patients (28.6%) developed active TB and also had positive T-SPOT.TB results; of 44 patients with no TST conversion, 2 patients (4.5%) had positive T-SPOT.TB and 1 (2.3%) had active TB. If 5 mm was used as the cut-off value of TST, TST and T-SPOT.TB, had an agreement value of 68.6% with a kappa value of 0.166. If 10 mm was used as the cut-off value, the agreement between TST and T-SPOT.TB was 88.2% with a kappa value of 0.338. T-SPOT.TB was more specific than TST in detecting tuberculosis during infliximab therapy in China with high BCG vaccination and high prevalence of TB. It can be used as a reliable tool for TB monitoring during infliximab therapy in Chinese patients with rheumatic diseases. Finally, it is recommended to repeat the TST and T-SPOT.TB periodically during biological treatment.
机译:抗肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-alpha)治疗为风湿性疾病带来了新希望,但也增加了包括结核分枝杆菌(MTb)在内的感染风险。常规的筛查工具,例如结核菌素皮肤试验(TST),缺乏敏感性或特异性。最近,已引入T-SPOT.TB来检测结核感染。有报告证明,它在各种患者人群中检测结核感染的性能均优于TST。目的比较在英夫利昔单抗治疗期间风湿性疾病患者的结核病筛查和监测中基于T细胞的酶联免疫斑点法(ELISPOT)T-SPOT.TB和常规(TST)的价值。接受英夫利昔单抗治疗的58名患有各种风湿病的患者入选了该试验。用MTb特异性抗原(ESAT-6和CFP10)刺激新鲜分离的外周血单核细胞,并计数产生IFN-γ的细胞。通过皮内注射到前臂掌侧的1 TU PPD进行TST。直径> / = 5 mm的皮肤硬结被认为是TST阳性,而皮肤硬度> / = 5 mm的增量被认为是TST转化。 TST和T-SPOT.TB测试在基线进行,并在英夫利昔单抗治疗后12个月(如果未发生活动性TB)或在TB发生时重复进行。此外,最初通过临床检查和胸部X光片对所有患者进行了潜伏性结核感染(LTBI)评估。 McNemar测试用于TST和T-SPOT.TB一致性分析。科恩的卡伯系数用于评估协议的强度。在评估的58例患者中,强直性脊柱炎25例(43.1%),类风湿性关节炎24例(41.4%),未分化型脊椎关节炎4例(6.9%),银屑病性关节炎3例(5.2%),反应性关节炎2例(3.4%) 。共有52例患者(89.7%)先前接受了Bacille Calmette-Guerin疫苗接种。所有患者均接受了抗风湿药(DMARDs)单一治疗或联合治疗,其中16例(27.4%)以前或目前接受糖皮质激素治疗。在英夫利昔单抗治疗之前,12例(20.7%)的TST结果为阴性,46例(79.3%)的TST结果为阴性,只有1例(1.7%)的T-SPOT.TB阳性。在完成重复的TST和T-SPOT.TB检测的51例患者中,有7例(13.7%)的TST转化患者和4例(7.8%)的T-SPOT.TB结果阳性。在7例TST转换患者中,有2例(28.6%)患有活动性结核病,并且T-SPOT.TB结果阳性;在没有TST转换的44例患者中,有2例(4.5%)的T-SPOT.TB阳性,而1例(2.3%)的活动性TB。如果使用5 mm作为TST的截止值,则TST和T-SPOT.TB的一致性值为68.6%,kappa值为0.166。如果使用10 mm作为临界值,则TST和T-SPOT.TB之间的一致性为88.2%,kappa值为0.338。在高卡介苗接种率和高结核病患病率的英夫利昔单抗治疗期间,T-SPOT.TB比TST更具特异性。它可以作为英夫利昔单抗治疗期间中国风湿病患者结核病监测的可靠工具。最后,建议在生物治疗期间定期重复TST和T-SPOT.TB。



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