首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental hypertension: CEH >Involvement of carotid baroreceptor function in blood pressure control in the chronic phase: effect on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure.

Involvement of carotid baroreceptor function in blood pressure control in the chronic phase: effect on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure.


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BACKGROUND: It is generally thought that the sole function of baroreceptors is for the regulation of rapid blood pressure fluctuations caused by postural changes and other motion. However, recent studies have suggested that baroreceptors may also be involved in blood pressure control in the chronic phase. PURPOSE: The study was performed to examine the involvement of carotid baroreceptors in blood pressure control in the chronic phase, through determination of the relationship between 24-hour blood pressure data and carotid baroreceptor function. METHODS: Ambulatory blood pressure, ECG, and the number of steps during exercise were measured every 15 minutes with an ambulatory blood pressure monitor and a 24-hour Holter ECG fitted with an accelerometer (Cardy-II-p, Suzuken KK, Japan). In addition, the dependence of blood pressure on autonomic nerve activity and exercise was analyzed based on the frequency of the RR interval. Patients were divided into three groups based on different blood-pressure types:autonomic nerve-dependent, exercise-dependent, and independent types. Carotid baroreceptor function was evaluated using the sequence method; subjects adopted a supine position on a tilt table and their arterial pressure was monitored continuously using a Finapress finger cuff (Finapress, Ohmeda, Louisville, Colorado, USA). The study was performed in 90 patients, including 42 with essential hypertension whose blood pressure was well controlled. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A significant negative correlation was found between the mean 24-hour blood pressure and baroreceptor function for both systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure in patients of the independent type was significantly higher than that in patients of the exercise-dependent type. Furthermore, non-dipper hypertension was noted more frequently and baroreceptor function was significantly lower in independent-type patients, compared with autonomic nerve-dependent and exercise-dependent types, suggesting that independent-type blood pressure may be due to baroreceptor dysfunction. In conclusion, our results suggest that baroreceptor function might be involved in blood pressure control in the chronic phase, and baroreceptor dysfunction may contribute to the development of essential hypertension.
机译:背景:通常认为,压力感受器的唯一功能是调节由姿势变化和其他运动引起的快速血压波动。但是,最近的研究表明,压力感受器也可能参与慢性期的血压控制。目的:通过确定24小时血压数据与颈动脉压力感受器功能之间的关系,研究了慢性阶段颈动脉压力感受器在血压控制中的参与。方法:动态血压监测器和装有加速度计的24小时动态心电图心电图(Cardy-II-p,Suzuken KK,日本)每15分钟测量一次动态血压,ECG和运动过程中的步数。另外,基于RR间隔的频率分析了血压对自主神经活动和运动的依赖性。根据不同的血压类型将患者分为三组:自主神经依赖型,运动依赖型和独立型。颈动脉压力感受器功能采用顺序法评估;受试者在倾斜桌上采取仰卧姿势,并使用Finapress指套(Finapress,Ohmeda,路易斯维尔,科罗拉多州,美国)连续监测其动脉压。该研究在90例患者中进行,其中42例血压得到很好控制的原发性高血压。结果与结论:收缩压和舒张压的平均24小时血压与压力感受器功能之间存在显着负相关。独立型患者的收缩压明显高于运动依赖型患者。此外,与自主神经依赖型和运动依赖型相比,独立型患者的非北斗星高血压更为常见,压力感受器功能显着降低,表明独立型血压可能是由于压力感受器功能障碍所致。总之,我们的结果表明,压力感受器功能可能与慢性期的血压控制有关,压力感受器功能障碍可能会导致原发性高血压。



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