首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Oncology >The Role of MicroRNA in Tumorigenesis: Key Players or Innocent Bystanders

The Role of MicroRNA in Tumorigenesis: Key Players or Innocent Bystanders


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MicroRNAs (MIRs) are a group of small, non-coding RNAs with an average size of 18-24 nucleotides in length. MIRs are believed to play a role in the regulation of posttranscriptional gene expression. By sequence-specific binding to multiple sites on the 3' UTR regions of messenger RNA (mRNA), translation of the mRNA is stopped and degradation occurs.Since the discovery of the first MIR, Lin-4, in C. elegans , hundreds of MIRs have been discovered in prokaryotes and eukaryotic cells. In mammals, MIR production is a process involving several steps. First, a pri-MIR is generated by the enzyme polymerase II. Then, a pre-MIR hairpin-like precursor RNA with an average length of 60-110 nucleotides is generated in the nucleus by the enzyme Drosha. The pre-MIR is transported to the cytoplasm by Exportin 5. In the cytoplasm the pre-MIR is cleaved by the enzyme Dicer to create an 18-24 nucleotide mature double stranded MIR
机译:微小RNA(MIR)是一组小的非编码RNA,平均长度为18-24个核苷酸。据信MIR在转录后基因表达的调节中起作用。通过与信使RNA(mRNA)3'UTR区域上多个位点的序列特异性结合,mRNA的翻译被停止并发生降解。自从发现第一个MIR,Lin-4,在秀丽隐杆线虫中发现了数百个已在原核生物和真核细胞中发现了MIR。在哺乳动物中,MIR产生是一个涉及多个步骤的过程。首先,通过酶聚合酶II生成pri-MIR。然后,通过酶Drosha在细胞核中产生平均长度为60-110个核苷酸的MIR前发夹样前体RNA。 pre-MIR由Exportin 5转运至细胞质。在细胞质中,pre-MIR被Dicer酶裂解,形成18-24个核苷酸的成熟双链MIR



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