首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Oncology >Management of Penile Cancer

Management of Penile Cancer


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Penile cancer is an uncommon tumor with a significantly higher incidence in some areas of underdeveloped countries. Unfortunately, delay on the part of the physician in initiating diagnosis may be considerable and many patients are referred to treatment after developing advanced disease. There is a large volume of data on penile cancer in Brazil. Losing patients to follow-up is common and in some areas of the country, penile cancer accounts for 17% of all malignancies in men. In these less developed areas, penile carcinoma represents one of the most important health problems. A recent epidemiological study sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU) gave us an idea about the complexity of the problem . For example^ the highest incidence rates of penile carcinoma were found in Maranhao and Sao Paulo. Maranhao is situated in an underdeveloped area and Sao Paulo is the richest state of the country. An explanation for this contradiction is the large migration of the poor from underdeveloped areas to Sao Paulo. The SBU and the federal government are now waging a campaign to increase early diagnosis and improve health measures in order to eradicate the disease in the future
机译:阴茎癌是一种罕见的肿瘤,在欠发达国家的某些地区发病率明显更高。不幸的是,医生开始诊断的延迟可能相当长,许多患者在发展为晚期疾病后被转介接受治疗。在巴西,有大量关于阴茎癌的数据。失去患者随访的情况很普遍,在该国的某些地区,阴茎癌占男性所有恶性肿瘤的17%。在这些欠发达地区,阴茎癌是最重要的健康问题之一。由巴西泌尿外科学会(SBU)赞助的最新流行病学研究使我们对问题的复杂性有了一个认识。例如,在Maranhao和圣保罗,阴茎癌的发病率最高。马拉尼昂(Maranhao)位于欠发达地区,圣保罗(Sao Paulo)是该国最富有的州。这种矛盾的一个解释是穷人从不发达地区大量迁移到圣保罗。 SBU和联邦政府目前正在开展一项运动,以增加早期诊断并改善健康措施,以便将来根除该疾病



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