首页> 外文期刊>Communications in algebra >Complexes of gorenstein flat modules and gorenstein cotorsion modules

Complexes of gorenstein flat modules and gorenstein cotorsion modules


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A complex (C, δ) is called strongly Gorenstein flat if C is exact and Ker δ~n is Gorenstein flat in R-Mod for all n ε ?. Let JG stand for the class of strongly Gorenstein flat complexes. We show that a complex C of left R-modules over a right coherent ring R is in the right orthogonal class of JG if and only if C~n is Gorenstein cotorsion in R-Mod for all n ε ? and Hom(G, C) is exact for any strongly Gorenstein flat complex G. Furthermore, a bounded below complex C over a right coherent ring R is in the right orthogonal class of JG if and only if C~n is Gorenstein cotorsion in R-Mod for all n ε ?. Finally, strongly Gorenstein flat covers and JG~({box drawings light up and horizontal}) -envelopes of complexes are considered. For a right coherent ring R, we show that every bounded below complex has a JG~({box drawings light up and horizontal}) -envelope.
机译:如果C精确,则复数(C,δ)称为强Gorenstein平面,对于所有nε,在R-Mod中Kerδ〜n是Gorenstein平面。让JG代表强Gorenstein平面复合体。我们证明,当且仅当对于所有nε而言,C〜n是Gorenstein扭曲,并且只有当C〜n是R-Mod中的Gorenstein扭曲时,才能在一个右相干环R上形成一个左R-模的复数C。并且Hom(G,C)对于任何强Gorenstein平面复合体G都是精确的。此外,当且仅当C〜n是R中的Gorenstein扭曲时,在右相干环R上有界复合体C的下界在JG的右正交类中。 -对所有nε?Mod。最后,考虑了强Gorenstein平盖和复合物的JG〜({箱形图亮而水平)。对于一个右相干环R,我们证明了在复数以下有界的每个区域都有一个JG〜({箱形图亮而水平)。



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