首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoology >Life in the slow lane? Demography and life histories of male and female sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) [Review]

Life in the slow lane? Demography and life histories of male and female sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) [Review]

机译:生活在慢车道上?男性和女性sifaka(Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi)的人口统计学和生活史[评论]

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A 16-year study of wild. unprovisioned sifaka Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi at Beza Mahafaly in southwest Madagascar pro, ides estimates of age-specific fertility, mortality, and dispersal in a population of 426 marked animals. and longitudinal records of individual life histories. Sifaka females give birth for the first time later and live longer, for their size, than mammals in other orders; they also give birth later and continue reproducing longer, for their size, than other primates. Theory postulates that these features, commonly referred to as bet-hedging, evolve in unpredictable environments in association with widely varying infant survival and a trade-off between reproductive effort and adult survival. The climate of south-west Madagascar is highly unpredictable compared to almost all other regions in the tropics with similar average rainfall, and we argue that sifaka females are bet-hedgers par excellence. Male sifaka, in contrast, become reproductively active at an earlier age than females, and are less likely to have long lives than females. The atypical direction of this asymmetry between males and females reflects a 'slowing down' of female life histories rather than a 'speeding up' of male life histories. Two other unusual features of sifaka biology and behaviour may be linked to the unpredictability of Madagascar's climate: intense local competition between females, and a sex ratio at birth strongly biased in favour of males in most years. In drought years, reproductive females must cope with suddenly intensified resource constraints. This, in turn, may strongly limit the number of 'breeding slots' available over the long-term for females.
机译:对野生动物的研究长达16年。马达加斯加西南部Beza Mahafaly的未配置sifaka verpiauxcus verreauxi verreauxi,可以估算426种有标记动物的特定年龄的繁殖力,死亡率和传播。以及个人生活史的纵向记录。锡法卡(Sifaka)雌性的首次出生较晚,并且比其他哺乳动物的寿命更长。它们也比其他灵长类动物晚产,并继续繁殖更长的时间。理论假设,这些特征(通常被称为对冲)在不可预测的环境中发展,与婴儿生存率的广泛变化以及生殖力和成年生存率之间的取舍有关。与热带地区几乎所有其他平均降雨量相似的地区相比,马达加斯加西南部的气候非常不可预测,我们认为sifaka雌性是出色的对冲者。相比之下,雄性sifaka的繁殖力要比雌性的要早,并且比雌性的寿命要小。男性和女性之间这种不对称的非典型方向反映了女性生活史的“放慢”而不是男性生活史的“加速”。 sifaka生物学和行为的另外两个非同寻常的特征可能与马达加斯加的气候的不可预测性有关:女性之间激烈的局部竞争,并且在大多数年份中出生时的性别比强烈偏向男性。在干旱年代,育龄妇女必须应对突然加剧的资源限制。反过来,从长远来看,这可能会严重限制雌性的“育种槽”数量。



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