首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general internal medicine >Electronic health record-based patient identification and individualized mailed outreach for primary cardiovascular disease prevention: A cluster randomized trial

Electronic health record-based patient identification and individualized mailed outreach for primary cardiovascular disease prevention: A cluster randomized trial


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BACKGROUND: Many individuals at higher risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) do not receive recommended treatments. Prior interventions using personalized risk information to promote prevention did not test clinic-wide effectiveness. OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: To perform a 9-month cluster-randomized trial, comparing a strategy of electronic health record-based identification of patients with increased CVD risk and individualized mailed outreach to usual care. PARTICIPANTS: Patients of participating physicians with a Framingham Risk Score of at least 5 %, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol level above guideline threshold for drug treatment, and not prescribed a lipid-lowering medication were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. INTERVENTION: Patients of physicians randomized to the intervention group were mailed individualized CVD risk messages that described benefits of using a statin (and controlling hypertension or quitting smoking when relevant). MAIN MEASURES: The primary outcome was occurrence of a LDL-cholesterol level, repeated in routine practice, that was at least 30 mg/dl lower than prior. A secondary outcome was lipid-lowering drug prescribing. Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01286311. KEY RESULTS: Fourteen physicians with 218 patients were randomized to intervention, and 15 physicians with 217 patients to control. The mean patient age was 60.7 years and 77% were male. There was no difference in the primary outcome (11.0 % vs. 11.1 %, OR 0.99, 95 % CI 0.56-1.74, P = 0.96), but intervention group patients were twice as likely to receive a prescription for lipid-lowering medication (11.9 %, vs. 6.0 %, OR 2.13, 95 % CI 1.05-4.32, p = 0.038). In post hoc analysis with extended follow-up to 18 months, the primary outcome occurred more often in the intervention group (22.5 % vs. 16.1 %, OR 1.59, 95 % CI 1.05-2.41, P = 0.029). CONCLUSIONS: In this effectiveness trial, individualized mailed CVD risk messages increased the frequency of new lipid-lowering drug prescriptions, but we observed no difference in proportions lowering LDL-cholesterol after 9 months. With longer follow-up, the intervention's effect on LDL-cholesterol levels was apparent.
机译:背景:许多罹患心血管疾病(CVD)风险较高的个体未接受推荐的治疗。先前使用个性化风险信息促进预防的干预措施并未测试整个诊所的有效性。目的和设计:进行一项为期9个月的整群随机试验,比较基于电子健康记录的CVD风险增加患者和常规护理的个性化邮寄服务的识别策略。参与者:参与医师的患者的弗雷明汉风险评分至少为5%,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)-胆固醇水平高于药物治疗阈值,并且未开处方降脂药物。对待分析。干预措施:随机分配给干预组的医生患者会收到个性化的CVD风险信息,其中描述了使用他汀类药物(以及在相关情况下控制高血压或戒烟)的益处。主要指标:主要结局是常规实践中重复出现的LDL-胆固醇水平降低,至少比以前降低了30 mg / dl。次要结果是降脂药物处方。 Clinicaltrials.gov标识符:NCT01286311。关键结果:随机分配了14名218名患者的医生,对15名有217名患者的医生进行了干预。患者平均年龄为60.7岁,其中77%为男性。主要结果无差异(11.0%对11.1%,或0.99,95%CI 0.56-1.74,P = 0.96),但是干预组患者接受降脂药物处方的可能性是后者的两倍(11.9) ,相对于6.0%,或2.13,95%CI 1.05-4.32,p = 0.038)。在事后分析并延长随访至18个月时,干预组的主要结局发生率更高(22.5%vs. 16.1%,或1.59,95%CI 1.05-2.41,P = 0.029)。结论:在该有效性试验中,个性化邮寄的CVD风险信息增加了新的降脂药物处方的频率,但我们观察到9个月后降低LDL-胆固醇的比例没有差异。随着随访时间的延长,干预对LDL-胆固醇水平的影响显而易见。



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