首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vibration and control: JVC >An adaptive anechoic termination for active vibration control

An adaptive anechoic termination for active vibration control


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The active broadband control of the flexural vibration of a slender structure, in particular a beam, is obtained by the use of an adaptive anechoic termination. The anechoic termination, which absorbs any energy incident upon it, is implemented by applying a force close to one end of the structure. The force is determined by a feed-forward adaptive control that uses estimates of the incident and reflected waves as reference and error signals. Digital filters are implemented to estimate, in real-time, the amplitudes of these waves by filtering the outputs of an array of sensors. The reflected wave is used as the cost function in a filtered-X LMS adaptive control. The use of the propagating waves as reference and error signals also allows the method to be effective for resonant structures, a situation in which conventional approaches fail to be reliable. In order to compare the method with a conventional approach an anechoic termination that uses the primary excitation as reference is also considered. Numerical and experimental results demonstrate the method applied to semi-infinite and finite resonant structures. A broadband reduction of up to 20 dB in the ratio of the reflected and incident powers is demonstrated both numerically and experimentally. The use of the adaptive anechoic termination to reduce the vibration levels in structures is shown to be more effective than other typical feed-forward active control systems. Furthermore, it can be applied to cases where no reference signal, such as the primary excitation, is directly available.
机译:细长的结构,特别是梁的弯曲振动的主动宽带控制是通过使用自适应消声终端来实现的。通过吸收靠近结构一端的力来实现消声终端,该消声终端吸收入射到其上的所有能量。该力由前馈自适应控制确定,该控制将入射波和反射波的估计值用作参考信号和误差信号。通过对传感器阵列的输出进行滤波,数字滤波器可实时估计这些波的幅度。反射波在X滤波LMS自适应控制中用作成本函数。使用传播波作为参考信号和误差信号还使该方法对于共振结构有效,这是常规方法无法可靠实现的情况。为了将该方法与常规方法进行比较,还考虑了使用一次激励作为参考的消声终端。数值和实验结果证明了该方法适用于半无限和有限共振结构。数值和实验都证明了反射功率和入射功率之比最多可降低20 dB。与其他典型的前馈主动控制系统相比,使用自适应消声终端来降低结构中的振动水平更为有效。此外,它可以应用于没有参考信号(例如初级激励)直接可用的情况。



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