首页> 外文期刊>Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) >Interaction between vitamin B-6 and source of selenium on the response of the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase system to oxidative stress induced by oestrus in pubertal pig

Interaction between vitamin B-6 and source of selenium on the response of the selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase system to oxidative stress induced by oestrus in pubertal pig


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This study aimed to assess the interaction between vitamin B-6 and selenium (Se) for the flow of Se towards the Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPX) system in response to oxidative stress naturally induced by oestrus in a pubertal pig model. At first oestrus, forty-five gilts were randomly assigned to the experimental diets (n=9/group): basal diet (CONT); CONT + 0.3 mg/kg of Na-selenite (MSeB(6)0); MSeB(6)0 + 10 mg/kg of HCI-B-6 (MSeB(6)10); CONT+ 0.3 mg/kg of Se-enriched yeast (OSeB(6)0); and OSeB(6)0 + 10 mg/kg of HCI-B-6 (OSeB(6)10). Blood samples were collected at each oestrus (long-term profiles), and daily from day -4 to +3 (slaughter) of the fourth oestrus (peri-oestrus profiles) after which liver, kidneys, and ovaries were collected. For long-term profiles, CONT had lower blood Se than Se-supplemented gilts (p <0.01) and OSe was higher than MSe (p <0.01). Lower erythrocyte pyridoxa1-5-phosphate was found in B(6)0 than B(6)10 (p <0.01). No treatment effect was observed on GPX activity. For peri-oestrus profiles, treatment effects were similar to long-term profiles. Treatment effects on liver Se were similar to those for long-term blood Se profiles and OSe had higher renal Se concentrations than MSe gilts (p <0.01). Gene expressions of GPX1, GPX3, GPX4, and selenocysteine lyase in liver and kidney were greatest in OSeB(6)10 gilts (p <0.05). These results suggest that dietary B-6 modulate the metabolic pathway of OSe towards the GPX system during the peri-oestrus period in pubertal pigs. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究旨在评估在青春期猪模型中,由于发情自然诱导的氧化应激,维生素B-6与硒(Se)之间的相互作用,使硒流向硒依赖性谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)系统。在初发情期,将四十五头小母猪随机分配到实验饮食中(n = 9 /组):基础饮食(CONT); CONT + 0.3 mg / kg亚硒酸钠(MSeB(6)0); MSeB(6)0 + 10 mg / kg HCl-B-6(MSeB(6)10); CONT + 0.3 mg / kg富硒酵母(OSeB(6)0);和OSeB(6)0 + 10 mg / kg的HCI-B-6(OSeB(6)10)。在每个发情期(长期分布)以及每天从第四发情期的第-4天到第-3天(宰杀)(外周发情分布)采集血样,之后收集肝脏,肾脏和卵巢。从长期来看,CONT的血液硒含量低于添加硒的小母猪(p <0.01),而OSe高于MSe(p <0.01)。在B(6)0中发现比B(6)10更低的红细胞吡ido醇1-5-磷酸(p <0.01)。没有观察到对GPX活性的治疗作用。对于发情期的概况,治疗效果与长期概况相似。对肝脏硒的治疗效果与长期血液硒谱相似,并且OSe的肾脏硒浓度高于MSe母猪(p <0.01)。 OSeB(6)10后备母猪的肝和肾中GPX1,GPX3,GPX4和硒代半胱氨酸裂解酶的基因表达最大(p <0.05)。这些结果表明,在青春期猪的发情期,日粮B-6调节OSe朝向GPX系统的代谢途径。 Crown版权所有(C)2015,由Elsevier GmbH发布。版权所有。



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