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Anconeus interposition arthroplasty: Mid- to long-term results


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Background: Radiocapitellar arthritis and/or proximal radioulnar impingement can be difficult to treat. Interposition of the anconeus muscle has been described in the past as an alternative option in managing arthritis, but there are little published data about relief of pain and restoration of function over the long term in patients treated with this approach. Questions/purposes: We sought (1) to determine whether interposition of the anconeus muscle in the radiocapitellar and/or proximal radioulnar joint relieves pain and restores elbow function; and (2) to identify complications and reoperations after anconeus interposition arthroplasty. Methods: Between 1992 and 2012, we surgically treated 39 patients having radiocapitellar arthritis and/or proximal radioulnar impingement with an anconeus interposition arthroplasty. These were performed for situations in which capitellar and/or radial head pathology was deemed not amenable to implant replacement. We had complete followup on 29 of them (74%) at a minimum of 1 year (mean, 10 years; range, 1-20 years). These 29 patients (21 males, eight females) had interposition of the anconeus muscle at the radiocapitellar joint (10 elbows), the proximal radioulnar joint (two elbows), or both (17 elbows). Their mean age at the time of surgery was 39 years (range, 14-58 years). The reasons for the previous determination or the indications included lateral-side elbow symptoms after radial head resection (eight elbows), failed internal fixation of radial head fracture (two elbows), failed radial head replacement with or without capitellar replacement (four elbows), osteoarthritis and Essex-Lopresti injury (six elbows), failed internal fixation of distal humeral fracture involving the capitellum (two elbows), posttraumatic osteoarthritis involving the lateral compartment (one elbow), lateral compartment osteoarthritis associated with chondropathies (three elbows), and primary osteoarthritis affecting the lateral compartment (three elbows). Patient-reported outcome tools included the quick-Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (quick-DASH) and the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS); we also performed a chart review for complications and reoperations. Results: During the followup duration, the mean MEPS was significantly improved from (mean ?SD) 64 ?17 points before surgery to 82 ?14 points after surgery (p < 0.001) with 21 elbows (72%) graded as excellent or good at most recent followup. The mean quick-DASH score was 24 ?17 points (n = 25) at latest evaluation. Two patients (7%) had perioperative complications, including wound dehiscence (one elbow) and transient posterior interosseous nerve palsy (one elbow). Seven patients (24%) underwent additional surgery. Conclusions: Anconeus arthroplasty provides a reasonable surgical alternative in the armamentarium of procedures to address pathology at the radiocapitellar and/or proximal radioulnar joint. This procedure is especially attractive when other alternatives such as radial head replacement may be problematic secondary to capitellar erosion or marked proximal radius bone loss. Level of Evidence: Level IV, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
机译:背景:放射性小囊性关节炎和/或近端尺ul撞击可能难以治疗。过去曾介绍过插入前突肌作为治疗关节炎的另一种选择,但长期以来,有关用这种方法治疗的患者缓解疼痛和恢复功能的数据很少。问题/目的:我们试图(1)确定在放射性小it骨和/或近尺radio侧关节中插入前突肌是否可减轻疼痛并恢复肘部功能; (2)确定在进行椎间盘置换术后的并发症和再次手术。方法:在1992年至2012年之间,我们通过前庭介入置换术对39例放射性小囊性关节炎和/或近端放射性尺骨撞击患者进行了手术治疗。这些手术是在认为头and骨和/或path骨头病变不适合植入物置换的情况下进行的。我们至少有1年(平均10年;范围1-20年)对其中29例(74%)进行了完整的随访。这29例患者(男21例,女8例)在放射性小it骨关节(10个肘部),尺ul近端关节(2个肘部)或两个(17个肘部)之间插入了前突肌。他们在手术时的平均年龄为39岁(范围为14-58岁)。先前确定的原因或适应症包括radial骨头切除术后的外侧肘部症状(八个肘部),radial骨头骨折的内固定失败(两个肘部),伴或不伴有小关节置换的radial骨头置换失败(四个肘部),骨关节炎和Essex-Lopresti损伤(六个肘),肱骨远端骨折内固定失败,包括前庭(两个肘),创伤后骨关节炎累及侧室(一个肘),伴有软骨病的外侧室骨关节炎(三个肘),以及原发性骨关节炎影响外侧腔(三个肘部)。患者报告的结局工具包括手臂,肩部和手部的快速残疾(quick-DASH)和梅奥肘关节性能评分(MEPS);我们还对并发症和再次手术进行了图表审查。结果:在随访期间,平均MEPS从术前的64±17点显着提高到术后的82±14分(p <0.001),其中21个肘部(72%)被评为优或良最近的随访。在最新评估中,快速DASH的平均得分为24?17分(n = 25)。两名患者(7%)有围手术期并发症,包括伤口裂开(一只肘)和一过性后骨间神经麻痹(一只肘)。 7名患者(24%)接受了额外的手术。结论:Anconeus人工关节置换术在武器库中提供了合理的外科替代方法,以解决放射性小cap骨和/或近端尺ul关节的病理问题。当其他方法(例如radial骨头置换)可能继发于小脑小头侵蚀或明显的proximal骨近端骨丢失之后,这种方法特别有吸引力。证据级别:IV级,治疗研究。有关证据水平的完整说明,请参见《作者指南》。



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