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Knowledge on lymphatic filariasis and mass drug administration (MDA) programme in filaria endemic districts of Andhra Pradesh, India


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Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a serious socioeconomic and public health problem in the world. As on December 2006, the total population at risk for LF was estimated to be 1254 million in 83 endemic countries, of which 64% contributed by Southeast Asia region alone. In India, it is estimated that 554.2 million population are at risk of LF infection in 243 implementation units (districts). National Health Policy 2002 aims at elimination of transmission and the prevention of disability due to LF by the year 2015. In Andhra Pradesh (A.P.), sixteen districts are under mass drug administration (MDA) programme covering 54 million population with annual single dose of diethyl carbamazine citrate (DEC) tablets orally. Recently, it was estimated that microfilaria (mf) rate in endemic area of East Godavari district of A.P. as 4.43% and 3.48% after VI and VII rounds of MDA programme respectively. There is a growing recognition that community involvement and effective health education will play a critical role in the success of elimination of lymphatic filariasis (ELF) from India by 2015. A survey was therefore initiated between September 2006 and May 2007, in five filarial endemic districts of A.P. to know about the knowledge of LF and the ongoing MDA programme in the community.
机译:淋巴丝虫病(LF)是世界上严重的社会经济和公共卫生问题。截至2006年12月,在83个流行国家中,罹患LF的总人口估计为12.54亿,其中仅东南亚地区贡献了64%。在印度,估计有243个实施单位(地区)的5.542亿人口面临LF感染的风险。 2002年《国家卫生政策》旨在到2015年消除由LF引起的传播和预防残疾。在安得拉邦(AP),十六个地区正在接受大规模药物管理(MDA)计划,该计划覆盖5400万人,每年单剂二乙枸酸卡马嗪(DEC)口服。最近,据估计,在第六轮和第七轮MDA计划之后,A.P。东戈达瓦里地区的地方性地区的微丝aria病率分别为4.43%和3.48%。人们越来越认识到,社区的参与和有效的健康教育将在2015年成功消除印度的淋巴丝虫病(ELF)中发挥关键作用。因此,于2006年9月至2007年5月在五个丝状地方病地区发起了一项调查。 AP了解LF的知识以及社区中正在进行的MDA计划。



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