首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research >Video analysis of dogs suffering from anxiety when left home alone and treated with clomipramine

Video analysis of dogs suffering from anxiety when left home alone and treated with clomipramine


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This study sought to film dogs with separation anxiety when left home alone while undergoing treatment with clomipramine and to compile objective information on behaviors exhibited. Twenty-three dogs ranging in age from 5 months to 9 years (mean, 3 2 years) were included. The dogs were filmed when left home alone for variable periods ranging from 22 to 90 minutes after owner departure. Owners were required to film their dog on 5 occasions. Film 1 served to confirm a diagnosis of separation anxiety. Medication (clomipramine) was prescribed to all dogs. The owners were then asked to film the dogs on days 7, 14, 28, and 56 of the pharmacological treatment, but only 3 repetitions (days 0, 7, and 14) were used for statistical analysis. The initial dosage of clomipramine was 1 mg/kg twice daily for the first week and was then increased to 2 mg/kg twice daily. Any differences in behavior that occurred after clomipramine administration were evaluated using Friedman and Wilcoxon nonparametric tests. A significant beneficial effect of the dosage of 1 mg/kg every 12 hours of clomipramine in increasing passive behavior and reducing locomotion (pacing), scratching, and whining was demonstrated. A beneficial effect of 2 mg/kg every 12 hours in reducing vocalizations (barking and whining) and further increasing time spent in a passive state (resting or sleeping) was also shown. Some signs of separation anxiety may have improved as a consequence of the basic recommendations provided to the dog owners. This study not only confirms the importance of filming dogs home alone for the diagnosis of separation anxiety but also emphasizes the advantages of filming during the treatment of separation anxiety. Clinical effects can be seen as early as 1 week after starting the medication (clomipramine)
机译:这项研究试图拍摄狗,当他们接受氯米帕明治疗时,一个人独自离开家时,患有分离性焦虑,并收集有关所表现行为的客观信息。包括二十三只狗,年龄从5个月到9岁(平均3至2岁)不等。在主人离开家后的22至90分钟的不同时间里,狗被单独拍摄了。主人被要求5次拍摄他们的狗。胶卷1用于确认分离焦虑症的诊断。对所有的狗都开了药物(氯米帕明)。然后,要求主人在药理治疗的第7、14、28和56天给狗拍影片,但只重复3次(第0、7和14天)进行统计分析。在第一周,氯米帕明的初始剂量为每天两次两次1 mg / kg,然后增加到每天两次两次为2 mg / kg。使用Friedman和Wilcoxon非参数测试评估了氯米帕明给药后发生的任何行为差异。氯米帕明每12小时1 mg / kg的剂量在增加被动行为,减少运动(起搏),抓挠和抱怨方面具有显着的有益作用。还显示出每12小时2 mg / kg的有益效果,可减少发声(吠叫和抱怨)并进一步增加被动状态(休息或睡觉)所花费的时间。向犬主提供的基本建议可能会改善一些分离焦虑的迹象。这项研究不仅证实了在家拍摄狗对分离焦虑的诊断的重要性,而且强调了在治疗分离焦虑过程中拍摄的优势。可以在开始用药(氯米帕明)后的1周内看到临床效果



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