首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Optical Society of America, B. Optical Physics >Dipole-dipole interaction between trapped two-level ions interacting with a quantized field in the Lamb-Dicke regime

Dipole-dipole interaction between trapped two-level ions interacting with a quantized field in the Lamb-Dicke regime


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To achieve more accuracy in a system containing N trapped two-level ions interacting with a single-mode quantized field, in this paper we will consider the dipole-dipole interaction (DDI) between the trapped ions. In more detail, we first suggest an appropriate form of a quantized DDI Hamiltonian between two trapped ions that has arisen from the spontaneous emission of the excited one. Accordingly, we have considered the spontaneous emission as the origin of dissipation in our proposed model. Then, the case in which the trapped ions interact with a single-mode quantized field in the Lamb-Dicke regime as well as the first vibrational sideband is considered, in which the DDI between the trapped ions is also taken into account. Using the state vector, which is analytically obtained for the whole system under our consideration, we evaluate the amount of entanglement between the field and the two trapped ions by utilizing the linear entropy. We observe that the entanglement depends on the distance between the two trapped ions; i.e., decreasing the distance led to decrement in the amount of entanglement. In the continuation, we extend the proposed model at first to three (N = 3) and then to more trapped ions (N > 3), and the most general entangled state vectors related to the outlined systems are obtained, for which the same scenario (for two trapped ions) is repeated. Comparing the latter cases (N = 3) with the previous one (N = 2), we conclude that the entanglement is sensitive to the number of interacting trapped ions in addition to the distances between them in such a way that by increasing the number of trapped ions, the degree of entanglement between them and the field is increased. These results help one to control the entanglement between the field and the trapped ions in a more accurate manner by tuning the distances between the trapped ions and their numbers. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
机译:为了在包含N个捕获的两能级离子与单模量子场相互作用的系统中实现更高的精度,在本文中,我们将考虑捕获的离子之间的偶极-偶极相互作用(DDI)。更详细地说,我们首先建议在两个被困离子之间的一种适当形式的量化DDI哈密顿量,这是由被激发的离子的自发发射引起的。因此,在我们提出的模型中,我们已经将自发辐射视为耗散的起源。然后,考虑在Lamb-Dicke态以及第一振动边带中被捕获的离子与单模量化场相互作用的情况,其中还考虑了被捕获的离子之间的DDI。使用我们在考虑下为整个系统分析获得的状态向量,我们利用线性熵评估了场和两个捕获离子之间的纠缠量。我们观察到纠缠取决于两个被困离子之间的距离。即,减小距离导致缠结量减小。在继续中,我们首先将提出的模型扩展到三个(N = 3),然后扩展到更多的俘获离子(N> 3),并获得与概述系统相关的最一般的纠缠状态向量,在相同情况下重复(对于两个被困离子)。将后一种情况(N = 3)与前一种情况(N = 2)进行比较,我们得出结论,纠缠不仅对相互作用的被捕获离子的数量敏感,而且它们之间的距离也是如此,通过增加捕获离子后,它们与电场之间的缠结程度增加。这些结果帮助人们通过调整捕获离子及其数量之间的距离,以更准确的方式控制电场与捕获离子之间的纠缠。 (C)2016美国眼镜学会



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