首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Neurological Sciences: Official Bulletin of the World Federation of Neurology >Micturitional disturbance after acute hemispheric stroke: analysis of the lesion site by CT and MRI.

Micturitional disturbance after acute hemispheric stroke: analysis of the lesion site by CT and MRI.


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Micturitional histories and urodynamic studies were performed in 72 acute hemispheric stroke patients. Within 3 months from the onset, 53% of the patients had urinary symptoms including irritative as well as obstructive, and the most common symptom was nocturnal urinary frequency in 36%, which was followed by urge urinary incontinence in 29% and difficulty of voiding in 25% of the patients. We found a correlation between micturitional disturbance with hemiparesis (p <0.05) and not with hemianopsia (p <0.05). Micturitional disturbance was more common in lesions of the frontal lobe (p <0.05) than in those of the occipital lobe. Brain CT or MRI in symptomatic patients showed lesions of anterior and medial surface of the frontal lobe, anterior edge of the paraventricular white matter, genu of the internal capsule and large lesions of putamen or thalamus. Urodynamic studies of 22 symptomatic patients revealed various findings in 91% of them, including detrusor hyperreflexia in 68%, detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD) in 14% and uninhibited sphincter relaxation in 36%. Patients with urinary retention had atonic cystometrogram and DSD. Detrusor hyperreflexia was noted in lesions of the frontal lobe as well as the basal ganglia, uninhibited sphincter relaxation in the frontal lobe, and detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia common in the basal ganglia. Above findings seem to indicate that anteromedial frontal lobe and its descending pathway, and the basal ganglia seem to be mainly responsible for supranuclear types of pelvic and pudendal nerve dysfunction in our patients with stroke.
机译:在72例急性半球性卒中患者中进行了尿疗史和尿流动力学研究。从发病开始的3个月内,有53%的患者出现泌尿系统症状,包括刺激性和阻塞性症状,最常见的症状是夜间尿频,占36%,其次是急迫性尿失禁29%,排尿困难。 25%的患者。我们发现排尿障碍与偏瘫(p <0.05)而不与偏瘫(p <0.05)之间存在相关性。与额叶病变相比,额叶病变中的微动障碍更为常见(p <0.05)。有症状患者的脑部CT或MRI显示额叶的前,内表面,室旁白质的前缘,内囊的种类以及壳核或丘脑的较大损害。对22例有症状患者的尿动力学研究显示,其中91%的患者有多种发现,包括逼尿肌反射亢进68%,逼尿肌括约肌功能障碍(DSD)占14%和括约肌松弛不受抑制36%。尿retention留的患者进行了无氧性膀胱测绘术和DSD。在额叶和基底神经节病变中发现逼尿肌反射亢进,额叶括约肌松弛不受抑制,在基底节神经中常见逼尿肌括约肌功能障碍。上述发现似乎表明我们的中风患者的额叶内侧前部及其下降途径以及基底神经节似乎是造成核型骨盆和阴部神经功能障碍的主要原因。



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