首页> 外文期刊>Clinical neurophysiology >Ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials elicited from monaural versus binaural acoustic stimulations.

Ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials elicited from monaural versus binaural acoustic stimulations.


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OBJECTIVE: This study compared the ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs) that are elicited (recorded) in response to monaural and separately, simultaneous binaural acoustic stimulations. The optimal stimulation mode for oVEMPs was also determined. METHODS: Twenty healthy volunteers (14 men and 6 women, aged from 22 to 33 years, mean 28 years) without any previous ear disorders were enrolled in this study. Each subject underwent oVEMP testing using monaural acoustic stimulation (Mon-oVEMP) with different stimulus intensities, and with bilateral recording. On another day, the same volunteers underwent oVEMP testing using simultaneous binaural acoustic stimulation and bilateral recording (Bin-oVEMP). RESULTS: With 95 dB nHL tone burst stimulation, the biphasic nI-pI waveforms were recorded with maximal amplitudes from the electrodes located below the eyes contralateral to the side of acoustic stimulation while the subject was gazing upward. Significant correlations were identified between Mon-oVEMPs and Bin-oVEMPs with respect to threshold, latencies and amplitude. However, no significant difference existed between Mon-oVEMPs and Bin-oVEMPs in terms of the response rate, threshold, latency or amplitude. CONCLUSIONS: The Bin-oVEMP test yields the same information as the Mon-oVEMP test, but the duration of recording in the former is shorter than the latter. SIGNIFICANCE: The Bin-oVEMP test may be a more convenient screening tool for evaluating the crossed vestibulo-ocular reflex.
机译:目的:本研究比较了单耳和双耳同时声刺激引起的眼前庭诱发的肌源性电位(oVEMP)。还确定了oVEMP的最佳刺激模式。方法:本研究招募了20名没有任何耳部疾病的健康志愿者(14名男性和6名女性,年龄从22至33岁,平均28岁)。每个受试者均接受单声刺激(Mon-oVEMP)进行oVEMP测试,该刺激具有不同的刺激强度,并进行双侧录音。在另一天,同一名志愿者接受了同时双耳声学刺激和双边录音(Bin-oVEMP)的oVEMP测试。结果:在95 dB nHL音调脉冲刺激下,当对象向上凝视时,双眼nI-pI波形以位于眼睛下方与声刺激对侧的电极最大幅度记录。在阈值,延迟和幅度方面,Mon-oVEMP和Bin-oVEMP之间存在显着相关性。但是,在响应速度,阈值,等待时间或幅度方面,Mon-oVEMP和Bin-oVEMP之间没有显着差异。结论:Bin-oVEMP测试产生与Mon-oVEMP测试相同的信息,但是前者的记录时间短于后者。意义:Bin-oVEMP测试可能是评估交叉前庭眼反射的更便捷的筛查工具。



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