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Words Matter: Distinguishing 'Personalized Medicine' and 'Biologically Personalized Therapeutics'


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"Personalized medicine" has become a generic term referring to techniques that evaluate either the host or the disease to enhance the likelihood of beneficial patient outcomes from treatment interventions. There is, however, much more to personalization of care than just identifying the biotherapeutic strategy with the highest likelihood of benefit. In its new meaning, "personalized medicine" could overshadow the individually tailored, whole-person care that is at the bedrock of what people need and want when they are ill. Since names and definitional terms set the scope of the discourse, they have the power to define what personalized medicine includes or does not include, thus influencing the scope of the professional purview regarding the delivery of personalized care. Taxonomic accuracy is important in understanding the differences between therapeutic interventions that are distinguishable in their aims, indications, scope, benefits, and risks. In order to restore the due emphasis to the patient and his or her needs, we assert that it is necessary, albeit belated, to deconflate the contemporary term "personalized medicine" by taxonomizing this therapeutic strategy more accurately as "biologically personalized therapeutics" (BPT). The scope of truly personalized medicine and its relationship to biologically personalized therapeutics is described, emphasizing that the best of care must give due recognition and emphasis to both BPT and truly personalized medicine.
机译:“个性化医学”已成为通用术语,指的是评估宿主或疾病以增强患者从治疗干预中获益的可能性的技术。但是,护理的个性化不仅仅是确定具有最大受益可能性的生物治疗策略。在其新的含义中,“个性化医疗”可能使个人定制的全人护理黯然失色,而这正是人们生病时需要和想要的基础。由于名称和定义性术语确定了论述的范围,因此它们有权定义个性化药物包括或不包括的内容,从而影响有关提供个性化护理的专业权限的范围。分类学准确性对于理解治疗干预措施之间的差异非常重要,这些区别在目的,适应症,范围,益处和风险方面都可以区分。为了恢复对患者及其需求的适当重视,我们断言,尽管已过时,但有必要通过将这种治疗策略更准确地分类为“生物学个性化治疗剂”(BPT)来分离当代术语“个性化医学” )。描述了真正个性化医学的范围及其与生物学个性化疗法的关系,强调最好的护理必须对BPT和真正个性化医学给予应有的认识和重视。



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