首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Korean Physical Society >Electrical Properties of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on HfOx-Treated Indium-Tin-Oxide Surfaces by Using an Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis

Electrical Properties of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on HfOx-Treated Indium-Tin-Oxide Surfaces by Using an Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis


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In organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), both the electrons and the holes need to be injectedefficiently to obtain the best device performance. This means that a small injection barrierheight at the indium-tin oxide (ITO)/organic interface is required. The insertion of an insulatinglayer between the ITO and the organic layers leads to a significant improvement in the chargeinjection and the electroluminescence output. In this study, the surface of the ITO anode inOLEDs was treated with an HfO_X deposition process by using an atomic-layer chemical- vapordeposition system (ALCVD). The OLEDs fabricated on the HfOx-treated ITO anode showeda lower impedance and a higher conductance and capacitance. The changes in the capacitance,the conductance and the impedance were attributed to the enhanced carrier tunneling andto a change in the work function of ITO. In this work, we used an impedance spectroscopyanalysis to determine the effect of the HfO_X treatment on the surface of ITO and to modelthe equivalent circuit for OLEDs. Impedance spectroscopy is one of the most powerful toolsused to study equivalent circuit models for and the charge carrier dynamics and the dielectricproperties of organic devices. Devices with an ITO/organic material/Al structure could bemodeled as resistances and capacitances arranged in parallel or in series. The number of ele-ments depend on the composition of the structure, essentially the number of layers and the contacts.
机译:在有机发光二极管(OLED)中,需要有效注入电子和空穴,以获得最佳的器件性能。这意味着需要在铟锡氧化物(ITO)/有机界面处实现较小的注入势垒高度。在ITO和有机层之间插入绝缘层导致电荷注入和电致发光输出的显着改善。在这项研究中,通过使用原子层化学气相沉积系统(ALCVD),采用HfO_X沉积工艺对OLED中ITO阳极的表面进行了处理。在经过HfOx处理的ITO阳极上制造的OLED表现出较低的阻抗以及较高的电导率和电容。电容,电导和阻抗的变化归因于增强的载流子隧穿和ITO功函的变化。在这项工作中,我们使用了阻抗谱分析来确定HfO_X处理对ITO表面的影响并为OLED等效电路建模。阻抗谱是用于研究等效电路模型以及有机器件的电荷载流子动力学和介电特性的最强大工具之一。可以将具有ITO /有机材料/ Al结构的设备建模为并联或串联布置的电阻和电容。元素的数量取决于结构的组成,基本上取决于层和触点的数量。



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