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Geo-spatial Technology for Agriculture


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It is an honour and a privilege to have this opportunity to address the members of the Hyderabad Chapter of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS) on the occasion of the seventh Dr. T.D. Biswas Memorial Lecture. My thanks are also due to the Council of the ISSS, New Delhi. Dr. T.D. Biswas was an eminent Soil Physicist with a very open mind towards application of emerging techniques and technologies that are of significance to the agriculture. In my student days at the Indian Agricultural ResearchInstitute, New Delhi, though our interactions had been very limited, we used to feel proud to be in their association in many an occasion and get many valuable suggestions, directly or indirectly. On this occasion, I thought that it would be appropriateto deliver the lecture on one of the emerging technologies viz., the geo-spatial technology for agriculture.
机译:借此机会,在第七届T.D. Biswas博士纪念演讲之际,有幸向印度土壤科学学会(ISSS)海得拉巴分会的成员致辞,这是一种荣幸和荣幸。我还要感谢新德里ISSS理事会。 T.D. Biswas博士是一位杰出的土壤物理学家,对应用新兴技术和对农业具有重要意义的技术持开放态度。在我在新德里印度农业研究所的学生时代,尽管我们的互动非常有限,但我们曾经为能在许多场合与他们建立联系而感到自豪,并直接或间接地获得了许多有价值的建议。在这个场合,我认为就新兴技术之一即农业地理空间技术发表演讲是适当的。



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