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Land Use Effects on Soil Quality in Humid Sub-tropical Region of India


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Understanding the effects of land use and management practices on soil quality and its indicators has been identified as one of the most important goals of sustainable agricultural land management. In this paper a minimum data set and interpretation were applied to five land use systems around Doon Valley of India to determine the long-term influence of land use on soil quality. Land uses included arable cropland (maize-wheat rotation), sal forest {Shorea robusta), eucalyptus plantation (.Eucalyptusspp.), Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) and Golda grass (Chrysopogon fulvus). At each site, the topsoil (0-15 cm depth) was sampled. A minimum data set of 12 indicators including soil depth, texture, slope, soil organic carbon, total and available N, P andK, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and pH were selected to compute soil quality index (SQI). The data indicates that physicochemical properties such as pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and organic carbon (OC) were significantly influenced by the land-use systems. Among the land-use systems, sal forest and eucalyptus plantation resulted in significantly higher OC, CEC and total N, P and K. Except for the available N, P and K nearly all of the chemical soil quality indicators had lower values under thearable condition than under the reference forest land use system. The sal forest had SQI: 358 out of 400 score a highest quality, followed by the eucalyptus plantation (SQI: 353), arable cropland (SQI:316) and pasture lands
机译:理解土地使用和管理方式对土壤质量及其指标的影响已被确定为可持续农业土地管理的最重要目标之一。本文将最小数据集和解释应用于印度Doon山谷周围的五个土地利用系统,以确定土地利用对土壤质量的长期影响。土地利用包括可耕地(玉米-小麦轮作),婆罗双树(Shorearobusta),桉树人工林(Eucalyptusspp。),几内亚草(Panicum maximum)和戈尔达草(Chrysopogon fulvus)。在每个位置,对表土(0-15厘米深)进行采样。选择包括土壤深度,质地,坡度,土壤有机碳,总氮和有效氮,磷和钾,阳离子交换容量(CEC)和pH值在内的12个指标的最小数据集,以计算土壤质量指数(SQI)。数据表明,土地利用系统对诸如pH,阳离子交换容量(CEC)和有机碳(OC)的物理化学性质有显着影响。在土地利用系统中,薪水林和桉树人工林的OC,CEC和总N,P和K均显着较高。除可利用的N,P和K外,在可耕条件下,几乎所有化学土壤质量指标的值均较低。比参考林地使用制度下的要多。萨尔森林的SQI:400分中最高质量为358分,其次是桉树人工林(SQI:353),耕地(SQI:316)和牧场(



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