首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Integrated Effect of Sulphur and Farmyard Manure on Yield, Quality of Crops and Nutrient Status under Rapeseed-Rice Cropping System in Fluventic Dystrochrept

Integrated Effect of Sulphur and Farmyard Manure on Yield, Quality of Crops and Nutrient Status under Rapeseed-Rice Cropping System in Fluventic Dystrochrept


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Rapeseed-rice is an efficient, potential and sustainable cropping system in Assam. Rapeseed is the edible oilseed crop for people of Assam and accounts for 92% of the total oilseed crops of Assam. Summer rice occupies 24% of the total rice area with an average productivity of 1.0 t ha~(-1). Average productivity is however, very low and not sufficient to meet the need of local consumption. Among the several constraints, improper nutritional management is an important impediment for increasing the productivity. After NPK, S is the fourth plant nutrient whose deficiency is widespread in India and considered as the quality- and quantity-limiting factor particularly for oilseed and paddy (Sakal et al. 2001). Sulphur plays an important role in growth anddevelopment of crops as it is a constituent of amino acids like methionine, cysteine and cystine; needed for the synthesis of other metabolites like coenzymes A, thiamin and glutathione and is also required for synthesis of chlorophyll and improvement ofoil production in oilseed crops. Organically bound sulphur is the potential source of plant available sulphur in many soils, therefore use of organic manures improves the availability of sulphur in soils and leaves a residual effect for longer time. Farmyard manure is a complete food for crops including S with wide ranging benefits. Thus, the integrated use of sulphur and farmyard manure improves the availability of sulphur in soils and plays a significant role in improving quality and seed development(Ghosh et al. 2002; Singh and Sinsinwar 2006). In Assam, the response of rapeseed to sulphur application has earlier been reported by other workers (Patgiri and Baruah 1993; Das and Das 1994). Yet, integrated effect of sulphur and farmyard manure on performance of quality and crop productivity in Assam has remained uninvestigated. Keeping these facts in view, present study was undertaken to evaluate the integrated effect of sulphur and farmyard manure on yield, quality and available nutrient status under rape-seed-rice cropping system.
机译:油菜籽米是阿萨姆邦一个高效,潜在和可持续的种植系统。油菜籽是阿萨姆邦人的食用油料作物,占阿萨姆邦油料作物总产量的92%。夏季水稻占水稻总面积的24%,平均产量为1.0 t ha〜(-1)。但是,平均生产率非常低,不足以满足当地消费的需求。在几个限制因素中,营养管理不当是提高生产率的重要障碍。在氮磷钾之后,硫是第四种植物营养素,其缺乏在印度广泛存在,被认为是质量和数量限制因素,特别是对于油料种子和水稻而言(Sakal等,2001)。硫在农作物的生长发育中起着重要作用,因为它是蛋氨酸,半胱氨酸和胱氨酸等氨基酸的组成部分。合成其他代谢产物(例如辅酶A,硫胺素和谷胱甘肽)所需的蛋白质,叶绿素的合成以及油料作物中油的生产也需要这些物质。有机结合的硫是许多土壤中植物可用硫的潜在来源,因此有机肥的使用可提高土壤中硫的利用率,并在更长的时间内留下残余效应。农家肥是包括S在内的多种农作物的完整食品。因此,硫磺和农家肥的综合利用提高了土壤中硫磺的利用率,并在改善质量和种子发育中发挥了重要作用(Ghosh等人,2002; Singh和Sinsinwar,2006)。在阿萨姆邦,其他工人较早报道了油菜籽对施用硫的反应(Patgiri和Baruah 1993; Das和Das 1994)。然而,硫磺和农家肥对阿萨姆邦质量表现和农作物生产力的综合影响尚未得到研究。考虑到这些事实,目前的研究旨在评估硫和稻田肥料对油菜籽大米种植系统下产量,品质和可用养分状况的综合影响。



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