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Relevance of Soil Mass Volume Relationship - Need for Adoption


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I am indeed honoured to deliver the 4th Dr. T.D. Biswas memorial lecture at the Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur. I am thankful to the Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi and the Thrissur Chapter for giving me this opportunity. Dr. T.D.Biswas was an eminent Soil Scientist who contributed immensely to the knowledge of soil physics and more so to the study of physical properties of Indian soils and their improvement for better productivity. He was a dedicated teacher who inspired many. Dr. Biswas was well known for his administrative skills and served the Indian Society of Soil Science in various capacities and also donned the mantle of the President of the Society. Soil physics and soil physical properfies were close to the heart of Dr. Biswas. To pay my tributes and homage to this legendary Soil Scientist, I thought it appropriate to speak on an important issue of soil-mass-volume relationship. Plants draw moisture and nutrition from a volume of soil - hence the relevance of soil-mass-volume relationship.
机译:我确实很荣幸在Thrissur的喀拉拉邦农业大学发表第4次T.D. Biswas博士的纪念演讲。我感谢印度新德里土壤科学学会和Thrissur分会给我这次机会。 T.D. Biswas博士是一位杰出的土壤科学家,他对土壤物理学的知识做出了巨大贡献,在研究印度土壤的物理特性及其改善生产力方面也做出了巨大贡献。他是一位敬业的老师,启发了许多人。 Biswas博士以其出色的管理技能而闻名,并以各种身份为印度土壤科学学会服务,并脱颖而出担任该学会主席。土壤物理学和土壤物理特性接近比斯瓦斯博士的核心。为了向这位传奇的土壤科学家致敬和致敬,我认为就土壤-质量-体积关系这一重要问题发言是合适的。植物从一定量的土壤中吸取水分和营养-因此,土壤-质量-体积关系具有相关性。



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