首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan >Contents and Compositional Variations in the Essential Oils of Different Eucalyptus globulus trees from Faisalabad,Pakistan

Contents and Compositional Variations in the Essential Oils of Different Eucalyptus globulus trees from Faisalabad,Pakistan


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The aim of present study was to find out the variations in contents and chemical composition of leaf oil among Eucalyptus globulus trees.The leaf oil from fifteen different Eucalyptus globulus trees extracted by hydro-distillation varied significantly in their contents and chemical composition.The oil potential of Eucalyptus globulus leaves was found to be in the range of 0.53-1.06 % (>1% in 13.33 % trees).The detected components in the extracted oils varied from 10 to 29 by GC/FID on Carbowax 20M packed glass column.All the oils were found containing only four/five major components that were alpha-pinene,beta-pinene,alpha-phalendrene,DELTA cerene,gamma-terpenene and 1,8-cineole.Concentration of alpha-pinene ranged between 1.68-26.96 % and 1,8-cineole ranged between 17.46-51.62 % whereas alpha-phalendrene ranged between 1.19-24.0 % in the oils of 9 trees and was 35.24 % in the oil of one tree.Oils of 33 % trees were found free from alpha-phalendrene.Oil of one tree was free from beta-pinene,in the remaining oils it ranged between 0.81-28.57 %.DELTA Cerene was found in the oils of two trees in the range of 2.77 % and 27.71 %.Oils of 47 % trees were found free from gamma-terpenene,whereas in 53 % trees it was found to be at a level of 5.34-49.24 %.
机译:本研究的目的是发现桉树的叶油含量和化学组成的变化。通过水蒸馏法提取的15种不同的桉树的叶油的含量和化学组成均存在明显差异。结果发现,桉树叶的含量在0.53-1.06%之间(在13.33%的树木中> 1%)。在Carbowax 20M填充玻璃柱上通过GC / FID检测到的提取油中的成分在10到29之间变化。发现该油仅包含四种/五个主要成分,即α-pine烯,β-pine烯,α--烯,δcerene,γ-萜烯和1,8-桉树脑。α-pine烯的浓度范围为1.68%至26.96%,且在9棵树的树油中,1,8-桉树油的含量介于17.46-51.62%之间,而α-苯并戊烯的范围在1.19-24.0%之间,而在一棵树的树油中则为35.24%。发现33%树木的油中不含α-pha一棵树的油不含β-p烯油中剩余油的含量介于0.81-28.57%之间。两棵树油中发现的Cerene含量介于2.77%和27.71%之间。发现47%树木的油中不含γ-萜烯,而53%中发现%树木被发现处于5.34-49.24%的水平。



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