首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the History of Biology >A Brief History of the Changing Occupations and Demographics of Coleopterists from the 18th Through the 20th Century

A Brief History of the Changing Occupations and Demographics of Coleopterists from the 18th Through the 20th Century


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Systematic entomology flourished as a branch of Natural History from the 1750s to the end of the nineteenth century. During this interval, the "era of Heroic Entomology," the majority of workers in the field were dedicated amateurs. This article traces the demographic and occupational shifts in entomology through this 150-year interval and into the early twentieth century. The survey is based on entomologists who studied beetles (Coleoptera), and who named sufficient numbers of species to have their own names abbreviated by subsequent taxonomists. In the eighteenth century, 27 entomologists achieved this level of prominence, of whom 37% were academics, 19% were doctors, 11% had private incomes, 19% were clergymen, and 8% were government officials. Many of those with private incomes were members of the European aristocracy, and all but one were European men. The nineteenth century list included 192 entomologists, of whom 17% were academics, 16% were museum curators, 2% were school teachers, 15% were doctors, 6% were military men, 7% were merchants, 2% were government entomologists, 6% had private incomes, 5% were clergymen, 5% were government officials, and 4% were lawyers. The demographics of entomology shifted dramatically in the nineteenth century. Whereas many of the noteworthy entomologists of the eighteenth century were German, Swedish, or French, in the nineteenth century, many more European countries are represented, and almost onefifth of the noteworthy entomologists were from the United States. The nineteenth century list, like the eighteenth century list, contains no women. By the twentieth century, 63% of 178 noteworthy systematic entomologists were paid professionals, teaching entomology courses in universities, or studying insect taxonomy in museums and government-sponsored laboratories. Only one person on the twentieth century list had a private income, but women (ten individuals) were included on the list for the first time.
机译:从1750年代到19世纪末,系统昆虫学作为自然历史的一个分支而蓬勃发展。在这段时间里,即“英雄昆虫学时代”,该领域的大多数工人都是敬业的业余爱好者。本文追溯了这150年间到20世纪初昆虫学的人口统计学和职业变化。该调查基于昆虫学家,他们研究了甲虫(鞘翅目),并命名了足够数量的物种,以使自己的名称被随后的分类学家缩写。在18世纪,有27位昆虫学家达到了这一水平,其中37%为学者,19%为医生,11%的私人收入,19%的牧师和8%的政府官员。许多有私人收入的人是欧洲贵族的成员,除一名外,其他人都是欧洲人。 19世纪的清单中包括192位昆虫学家,其中学者占17%,博物馆策展人占16%,学校教师占2%,医生占15%,军人占6%,商人占7%,政府昆虫学家占2%,6私人收入占5%,神职人员占5%,政府官员占5%,律师占4%。昆虫学的人口统计学在19世纪发生了巨大变化。十八世纪许多值得注意的昆虫学家是德国人,瑞典人或法国人,而在十九世纪却有更多的欧洲国家作为代表,几乎五分之一的昆虫学家来自美国。与18世纪的名单一样,19世纪的名单也没有女性。到20世纪,在178位值得注意的系统昆虫学家中,有63%是有偿专业人士,在大学教授昆虫学课程,或在博物馆和政府资助的实验室中研究昆虫分类学。二十世纪名单上只有一个人有私人收入,但妇女(十个人)首次被列入名单。



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