首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis in long-term care facilities--perhaps less is more.

Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis in long-term care facilities--perhaps less is more.


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To the Editor: We found the query posed by Drs Dharmarajan and Nor-kus quite noble and intriguing. Although the premise of implementing venothromboemoblic prophylaxis among "high-risk" residents in long-term care facilities is certainly tempting, one cannot help but ponder the extent of fiscal and, not to mention, logistical repercussions of newly established guidelines in such a population. With annual increases in comorbidities and high rates of hospitalizations, one could speculate that a vast number of patients would fall under this arbitrary "high-risk" category for the development of venothromboemoblics. However, as is well known, the implementation of mechanical and chemical anticoagulation in this morbidly overwhelmed population is especially challenging and, not to mention, costly. Projected iatrogenic complications ensuing from falls and subsequent bleeding diathesis with accompanying polyphar-macy management may overwhelm the potential health, quality-of-life, and fiscal benefits gleaned from such intervention. ' Although it is certainly not our intention to deter our esteemed colleagues from pursuing quality improvement measures, we wonder if extending a high-risk prophylactic modality would open the proverbial Pandora's box of problems in this already vulnerable patient population. In the setting of limited data and many confounding elements revolving mortality in this group, perhaps we can stipulate, less is more.
机译:致编辑:我们发现Dharmarajan博士和Nor-kus提出的查询相当高贵而有趣。尽管在长期护理机构中对“高危”居民实施静脉血栓栓塞预防的前提固然很诱人,但人们不禁会思考这种人群中新制定的指南在财政上以及后勤方面的影响。随着合并症的逐年增加和较高的住院率,人们可以推测,大量患者将因静脉血栓栓塞症的发展而被归入这一任意的“高风险”类别。但是,众所周知,在这个病态不堪重负的人群中实施机械和化学抗凝治疗尤其具有挑战性,而且成本很高。因摔倒而引起的预期医源性并发症以及随后的出血性体质检查以及伴随的多相治疗可能会使这种干预所带来的潜在健康,生活质量和财务收益不堪重负。 '尽管我们当然无意阻止我们受人尊敬的同事采取质量改进措施,但我们想知道,扩展高风险的预防方法是否会在这个已经脆弱的患者群体中打开众所周知的潘多拉魔盒。在有限的数据和许多复杂的因素导致死亡率下降的情况下,也许我们可以规定,少即是多。



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