首页> 外文期刊>Clinical neurology and neurosurgery >A systematic review of clinical outcomes, perioperative data and selective adverse events related to mild hypothermia in intracranial aneurysm surgery

A systematic review of clinical outcomes, perioperative data and selective adverse events related to mild hypothermia in intracranial aneurysm surgery


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Background: In the last two decades, mild intraoperative hypothermia has become widely accepted as a protective therapy in neurosurgery. However, its effect in intracranial aneurysm surgery remains unclear. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the perioperative effects and selected adverse events associated with intraoperative mild hypothermia in aneurysm surgery and to compare those with events in normothermic surgery. Methods: Three literature databases, namely the Cochrane Library, PubMed and EMBASE, were searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of aneurysm surgery that compared intraoperative mild hypothermia and normothermia from January 1965 to August 2010. Three RCTs were identified. We extracted the following information: author names and publication year; clinical outcome (number of deaths and Glasgow outcome scales); perioperative data (number of moderate or severe intraoperative brain swelling occurrences, hypertensive episodes, ruptured or leaking aneurysms, volume of blood loss during surgery, duration of temporary clipping, and number of patients who received protective drugs, who required rewarming and who were intubated); number of adverse events (cerebral infarctions, brain swelling, myocardial ischaemia or infarction, congestive heart failure, meningitis or ventriculitis and pneumonia). Except for author names and publication year, the data were pooled to perform a mean effect size estimate. The effects of intraoperative mild hypothermia were then analysed. Results: The number of patients requiring rewarming in the mild hypothermia group was significantly greater than in the normothermia group (odds ratio, 33.89; 95% confidence intervals, 3.61-318.36). There were no other statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Based on available RCTs, especially involving surgery of low-grade aneurysms, intraoperative mild hypothermia showed no advantages compared with normothermia.
机译:背景:在过去的二十年中,轻度的术中体温过低已被广泛接受作为神经外科手术中的保护性疗法。但是,其在颅内动脉瘤手术中的作用仍不清楚。目的:本研究的目的是评估与动脉瘤手术中术中亚低温相关的围手术期效果和部分不良事件,并将其与正常体温手术中的事件进行比较。方法:检索三个文献数据库,即Cochrane库,PubMed和EMBASE,以比较1965年1月至2010年8月术中亚低温和正常体温的动脉瘤手术随机对照试验(RCT)。确定了三个RCT。我们提取了以下信息:作者姓名和出版年份;临床结局(死亡人数和格拉斯哥结局量表);围手术期数据(中度或重度术中脑肿胀发生次数,高血压发作,破裂或渗漏的动脉瘤,手术中失血量,临时钳夹的持续时间以及接受保护性药物,需要复温并插管的患者数量) ;不良事件的数量(脑梗塞,脑肿胀,心肌缺血或梗塞,充血性心力衰竭,脑膜炎或脑室炎和肺炎)。除作者姓名和出版年份外,将数据合并以进行平均效应量估计。然后分析术中亚低温的影响。结果:亚低温治疗组需要复温的患者人数明显多于正常体温治疗组(赔率,33.89; 95%置信区间,3.61-318.36)。没有其他统计上的显着差异。结论:根据现有的随机对照研究,特别是涉及低度动脉瘤的手术,术中轻度低温与正常体温相比没有优势。



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