首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Endocrinology >Limited response to CRH stimulation tests at 2 weeks of age in preterm infants born at less than 30 weeks of gestational age

Limited response to CRH stimulation tests at 2 weeks of age in preterm infants born at less than 30 weeks of gestational age


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Background The high incidence of glucocorticoid-responsive complications in extremely preterm infants suggests the immaturity of their adrenal function; however, knowledge of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in extremely preterm infants is limited. Methods To clarify the characteristics of the HPA axis in preterm very low birthweight (VLBW) infants, we performed CRH tests repeatedly: at about 2 weeks of age and at term (37-41 weeks of postmenstrual age) for 21 VLBW infants with a gestational age (GA) <30 weeks at birth. Results Basal cortisol values at 2 weeks of age were significantly higher than those at term in VLBW infants < 30 weeks of gestation at birth (304·1 ± 146·3 nmol/l vs 184·7 ± 108·2 nmol/l). Response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation tests at 2 weeks of age was significantly lower than at term (delta cortisol 148·3 ± 90·7 nmol/l vs 271·8 ± 167·0 nmol/l, delta ACTH 3·9 ± 3·2 pmol/l vs 12·3 ± 9·2 pmol/l, respectively). We found that earlier GA contributed to the higher basal cortisol values, and antenatal glucocorticoid (AG) contributed to the lower response of cortisol to CRH tests at 2 weeks of age. Conclusions VLBW infants showed a characteristic pattern in the HPA axis at 2 weeks of age: higher basal cortisol values and lower response to CRH tests. This study suggested that AG was related to the lower response to CRH tests, at least partly.
机译:背景极早产儿糖皮质激素反应性并发症的高发生率表明其肾上腺功能还不成熟。但是,对极早产儿的下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的了解有限。方法为了阐明早产极低出生体重(VLBW)婴儿的HPA轴特征,我们重复进行了CRH测试:大约21周龄和足月(月经后37-41周)在21周妊娠的足月儿出生时年龄(GA)<30周。结果出生后30周以下的VLBW婴儿在出生2周时的基础皮质醇值显着高于足月(304·1±146·3 nmol / l与184·7±108·2 nmol / l)。在2周龄时对促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)刺激测试的反应显着低于足月时(δ皮质醇148·3±90·7 nmol / l与271·8±167·0 nmol / l,ΔACTH 3 ·9±3·2 pmol / l与12·3±9·2 pmol / l分别。我们发现早期的GA导致较高的基础皮质醇值,而产前糖皮质激素(AG)导致2周龄的CRH测试对皮质醇的响应降低。结论VLBW婴儿在2周龄时在HPA轴上表现出特征性模式:基础皮质醇值较高,对CRH测试的响应较低。这项研究表明,AG至少部分地与对CRH测试的较低反应有关。



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