首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : >Exercise-induced hypertension among healthy firefighters - A comparison between two different definitions

Exercise-induced hypertension among healthy firefighters - A comparison between two different definitions


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Different studies have yielded conflicting results regarding the association of hypertensive response to exercise and cardiovascular morbidity. We compared two different definitions of exaggerated hypertensive response to exercise and their association with cardio-respiratory fitness in a population of healthy firefighters. We examined blood pressure response to exercise in 720 normotensive male career firefighters. Fitness was measured as peak metabolic equivalent tasks (METs) achieved during maximal exercise treadmill tests. Abnormal hypertensive response was defined either as systolic blood pressure ?? 200 mm Hg; or alternatively, as responses falling in the upper tertile of blood pressure change from rest to exertion, divided by the maximal workload achieved. Using the simple definition of a 200 mm Hg cutoff at peak exercise less fit individuals (METs ??12) were protected from an exaggerated hypertensive response (OR 0.45, 95%CI 0.30-0.67). However, using the definition of exercise-induced hypertension that corrects for maximal workload, less fit firefighters had almost twice the risk (OR 1.8, 95%CI 1.3-2.47). Blood pressure change corrected for maximal workload is better correlated with cardiorespiratory fitness. Systolic blood pressure elevation during peak exercise likely represents an adaptive response, whereas elevation out of proportion to the maximal workload may indicate insufficient vasodilation and a maladaptive response. Prospective studies are needed to best define exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise. ? 2013 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
机译:关于运动对高血压反应和心血管疾病的相关性,不同的研究得出了相互矛盾的结果。我们比较了健康消防员中对运动的过度高血压反应的两种不同定义,以及它们与心肺适应性的关系。我们检查了720名血压正常的男性职业消防员对运动的血压反应。健身度是通过最大运动量跑步机测试期间达到的峰值代谢当量任务(MET)来衡量的。高血压反应异常定义为收缩压200毫米汞柱;或者,随着血压下降至上三分位数,反应从休息变为劳累,除以达到的最大工作量。使用峰值运动时200 mm Hg截留值的简单定义,可以保护身材矮小的个体(METs ?? 12)免于过度的高血压反应(OR 0.45,95%CI 0.30-0.67)。但是,使用能够纠正最大工作量的运动诱发性高血压的定义,身材矮小的消防员的危险性几乎翻了一番(OR 1.8,95%CI 1.3-2.47)。校正了最大工作量的血压变化与心肺适应性更好地相关。运动高峰时收缩压的升高可能代表了适应性反应,而升高与最大工作量不成比例可能表明血管舒张不足和适应不良反应。需要进行前瞻性研究来最好地定义对运动的过度血压反应。 ? 2013美国高血压学会。版权所有。



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