首页> 外文期刊>Clinical medicine: journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London >Hepatology outpatient service provision in secondary care: a study of liver disease incidence and resource costs.

Hepatology outpatient service provision in secondary care: a study of liver disease incidence and resource costs.


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This paper discusses the annual incidence of liver disease and resource costs in providing a hepatology service for all new outpatient referrals to a secondary care setting. In a retrospective study, we found that 200 patients (1 in 1,000 of the West Suffolk population) with a mean age of 52 years were referred per year. One-third of patients had cirrhosis (almost half due to alcohol). Annual incidence (per 100,000 population) were as follows: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (29: of which 23.5 non-cirrhotic and 5.5 cirrhotic), hepatitis C (25), hepatitis B (3), alcohol-related cirrhosis (12.5), primary biliary cirrhosis (3.5), autoimmune hepatitis (3), primary sclerosing cholangitis (2), haemochromatosis (2), hepatocellular carcinoma (1.5) and oesophageal variceal haemorrhage (6.5). Using national indicative tariffs, the total annual hepatology budget was 130K pounds (58K pounds for resources and 72K pounds for clinic attendances). The greatest resource expenditure was on endoscopy (almost half for oesophageal varices) and radiological imaging (one-third of the total budget). These findings will help inform commissioners in hepatology service funding.
机译:本文讨论了为所有新门诊转诊至二级医疗机构的患者提供肝病学服务的肝病年发生率和资源成本。在一项回顾性研究中,我们发现每年平均转诊200名患者(每1000名西萨福克人口中有1名),平均年龄为52岁。三分之一的患者患有肝硬化(几乎一半是由于酒精引起的)。年发病率(每100,000人)如下:非酒精性脂肪肝疾病(29:其中非肝硬化为23.5,肝硬化为5.5),丙型肝炎(25),乙型肝炎(3),酒精相关性肝硬化(12.5) ,原发性胆汁性肝硬化(3.5),自身免疫性肝炎(3),原发性硬化性胆管炎(2),血色素沉着病(2),肝细胞癌(1.5)和食道静脉曲张出血(6.5)。使用国家指示性费率,年度肝病学总预算为13万英镑(资源58K英镑,诊所出勤72K英镑)。最大的资源支出用于内窥镜检查(食管静脉曲张几乎占一半)和放射成像(占总预算的三分之一)。这些发现将有助于告知肝病服务专员。



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