首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Dietetic Association >Point-of-purchase nutrition information influences food-purchasing behaviors of college students: a pilot study.

Point-of-purchase nutrition information influences food-purchasing behaviors of college students: a pilot study.


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The goal of point-of-purchase (POP) nutrition information is to help consumers make informed, healthful choices. Despite limited evaluation, these population-based approaches are being advocated to replace traditional, more expensive, individual behavior-change strategies. Few studies have examined the effect of POP information on buying patterns of college students, a group with high obesity rates and poor eating habits. This quasi-experimental pilot project sought to determine whether the "Eat Smart" POP program affected food-purchasing habits of multiethnic college students shopping at an on-campus convenience store. Baseline sales data of foods in the cereal, soup, cracker, and bread categories were collected for 6 weeks during Fall 2008. After Winter break, a few food items within each of these food categories were labeled as healthful using a "Fuel Your Life" shelf tag, and sales data were then collected for 5 weeks. In each of the four food categories, nontagged foods were available at the identical price as tagged items. Following intervention, there were increased sales of tagged items (measured as a percentage of total sales) in the cereal, soup, and cracker categories, while sales of bread decreased. Although none of these changes were statistically significant, the intervention resulted in a 3.6%+/-1.6% (P=0.082) increase in the percentage of sales from tagged items. Thus, providing POP nutrition information in a college campus convenience store may promote healthful food choices. A longer study examining the effect of POP on sales of items in other food categories is warranted. 2010 American Dietetic Association
机译:购买点(POP)营养信息的目的是帮助消费者做出明智的,健康的选择。尽管评估有限,但仍提倡这些基于人群的方法来代替传统的,更昂贵的个人行为改变策略。很少有研究检验POP信息对大学生,肥胖率高和饮食习惯差的人群的购买方式的影响。这个准实验性试点项目旨在确定“ Eat Smart” POP计划是否影响了在校园便利店购物的多民族大学生的食品购买习惯。在2008年秋季收集了6周内谷物,汤,饼干和面包类食品的基线销售数据。寒假后,这些食品中的每种食品中的一些食品被标记为“有益健康”。货架标签,然后收集了5周的销售数据。在这四个食品类别中,非标签食品的价格与标签食品的价格相同。干预之后,谷物,汤类和薄脆饼干类别中带标签物品的销量增加了(以占总销量的百分比衡量),而面包的销量却下降了。尽管这些变化均无统计学意义,但该干预措施使带标签商品的销售百分比提高了3.6%+ /-1.6%(P = 0.082)。因此,在大学校园的便利店中提供POP营养信息可能会促进健康食品的选择。有必要进行一项更长的研究,以检验持久性有机污染物对其他食品类别产品销售的影响。 2010美国饮食协会



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