首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American College of Cardiology >Baseline heart rate, antihypertensive treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular outcomes in ASCOT (Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial).

Baseline heart rate, antihypertensive treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular outcomes in ASCOT (Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial).


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of baseline heart rate on the efficacy of atenolol-based compared with amlodipine-based therapy in patients with hypertension uncomplicated by coronary heart disease in the ASCOT-BPLA (Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm). BACKGROUND: Heart rate is an established risk factor for cardiovascular events. Consequently, it is a widely held belief that beta-blockers should be prescribed for management of hypertension in patients with higher heart rates. METHODS: Patients with atrial fibrillation or taking rate-limiting antihypertensive drugs at baseline were excluded. Primary analyses used Cox models to investigate the potential attenuation of the treatment effect with higher baseline heart rate on total cardiovascular events and procedures (TCVP) via introduction of an interaction term. Secondary analyses assessed coronary and total stroke outcomes. RESULTS: Primary unadjusted analyses included 12,759 patients and 1,966 TCVP. At the final visit, mean heart rate reduction from baseline was 12.0 (SD 13.7) and 1.3 (SD 12.1) beats/min in atenolol- and amlodipine-based groups, respectively. There was a reduction in TCVP in those allocated amlodipine-based therapy compared with atenolol-based therapy (unadjusted hazard ratio: 0.81, p < 0.001). This benefit was unattenuated at higher heart rates (interaction p value = 0.81). Similar results were obtained for coronary and total stroke outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence that the superiority of amlodipine-based over atenolol-based therapy for patients with hypertension uncomplicated by coronary heart disease was attenuated with higher baseline heart rate. These data suggest that, in similar hypertensive populations without previous or current coronary artery disease, higher baseline heart rate is not an indication for preferential use of beta-blocker-based therapy.
机译:目的:本研究旨在评估基线心率对ASCOT-BPLA并发冠心病并发高血压的高血压患者与基于氨氯地平与基于氨氯地平的治疗相比的疗效(盎格鲁-斯堪的纳维亚心脏结果试验) -血压下降臂)。背景:心率是心血管事件的既定危险因素。因此,人们普遍认为,应为高心率患者开具β受体阻滞剂以治疗高血压。方法:排除基线时发生房颤或限速降压药的患者。初步分析使用Cox模型通过引入相互作用项研究基线心率较高对总心血管事件和手术(TCVP)的治疗效果的潜在衰减。次要分析评估了冠状动脉和总卒中的结局。结果:未经校正的主要分析包括12,759例患者和1,966例TCVP。在最后一次就诊时,以阿替洛尔和氨氯地平为基础的组的平均心率从基线降低分别为12.0(标准差13.7)和1.3(标准差12.1)次/分钟。与基于阿替洛尔的治疗相比,采用氨氯地平治疗的患者的TCVP降低(未经调整的危险比:0.81,p <0.001)。在更高的心率下(交互作用p值= 0.81),这种益处并未减弱。冠状动脉和总卒中预后相似。结论:没有证据表明,以基线心律较高为基础的高血压患者,以氨氯地平为基础的治疗优于以阿替洛尔为基础的治疗,其优越性并未减弱。这些数据表明,在没有既往或当前冠心病的类似高血压人群中,较高的基线心率并不表示优先使用基于β受体阻滞剂的疗法。



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