首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >Comparison of AFLPs, RAPD markers, and isozymes for diversity assessment of garlic and detection of putative duplicates in germplasm collections

Comparison of AFLPs, RAPD markers, and isozymes for diversity assessment of garlic and detection of putative duplicates in germplasm collections


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Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an asexually propagated crop that displays much morphological diversity. Studies which have assessed garlic diversity with isozymes and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers generally agreed with the morphological observations but sometimes failed to discriminate clones. To discriminate among closely related garlic clones in more detail, we introduced amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLPs) to evaluate the genetic diversity and phenetic relatedness of 45 garlic clones and three A. longicuspis clones and we compared AFLP results with RAPD markers and isozymes. Three AFLP primer combinations generated a total of 183 polymorphic fragments. Although similarities between the clusters were low (greater than or equal to0.30), some clones within the clusters were very similar (greater than or equal to0.95) with AFLP analysis. Sixteen clones represented only six different banding patterns, within which they shared 100% polymorphic AFLPs and RAPD markers, and likely are duplicates. In agreement with the results of other investigators, A. longicuspis and A. sativum clones were clustered together with no clear separation, suggesting these species are not genetically or specifically distinct. The topology of AFLP, RAPD, and isozyme dendrograms were similar, but RAPD and isozyme dendrograms reflected less and much less polymorphism, respectively. Comparison of unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA) dendrograms of AFLP, RAPD, and isozyme cluster analyses using the Mantel test indicated a correlation of 0.96, 0.55, and 0.57 between AFLP and RAPD, AFLP and isozyme, and RAPD and isozyme, respectively. Polymorphic AFLPs are abundant in garlic and demonstrated genetic diversity among closely related clones which could not be differentiated with RAPD markers and isozymes. Therefore, AFLP is an additional tool for fingerprinting and detailed assessment of genetic relationships in garlic.
机译:大蒜(Allium sativum L.)是一种无性繁殖农作物,具有许多形态上的多样性。用同工酶和随机扩增的多态性DNA(RAPD)标记评估大蒜多样性的研究通常与形态学观察结果一致,但有时无法区分克隆。为了更详细地区分密切相关的大蒜克隆,我们引入了扩增的片段长度多态性(AFLP),以评估45个大蒜克隆和3个长曲霉(A.longicuspis)克隆的遗传多样性和物候相关性,并将AFLP结果与RAPD标记和同工酶进行了比较。三种AFLP引物组合产生了183个多态性片段。尽管聚类之间的相似度很低(大于或等于0.30),但通过AFLP分析,聚类中的某些克隆非常相似(大于或等于0.95)。 16个克隆仅代表6种不同的谱带模式,在其中它们共享100%多态性AFLP和RAPD标记,并且可能是重复的。与其他研究人员的结果相符,长梗曲霉和无土曲霉无性系聚集在一起,没有明确的分离,表明这些物种在遗传或特异性上均不相同。 AFLP,RAPD和同工酶图谱的拓扑结构相似,但是RAPD和同工酶图谱分别反映了越来越少的多态性。使用Mantel检验对AFLP,RAPD和同功酶聚类分析的算术平均(UPGMA)树状图进行非加权对分组方法的比较表明,AFLP和RAPD,AFLP和同工酶以及RAPD和同工酶之间的相关性分别为0.96、0.55和0.57,分别。大蒜中的多态性AFLP丰富,并且在密切相关的克隆之间显示出遗传多样性,这些克隆无法通过RAPD标记和同工酶进行区分。因此,AFLP是用于指纹识别和详细评估大蒜遗传关系的另一种工具。



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