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New drugs: Clevidipine butyrate, difluprednate, and tetrabenazine


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Clevidipine butyrate {Cleviprex-The Medicines Company) is a dihydropyri-dine calcium channel blocker (CCB) that is administered intravenously. It is most closely related structurally to felodipine (e.g;, Plendil), but its use and properties can best be compared with those of nicardipine (Cardene IV), as these are the only two dihydropyridine CCBs that are available for intravenous use. Nicardipine is also available in a capsule formulation (Cardene SR) for oral use.Clevidipine is indicated for intravenous use for reducing blood pressure when oral therapy is not feasible or not desirable. It is most useful for the urgent treatment of hypertension (e.g., peri-operative hypertension, severe hypertension). In addition to clevidipine and nicardipine, other drugs that are administered intravenously for hypertensive emergencies include sodium nitroprus-side, nitroglycerin, esmolol (Brevibloc), labetalol (Trandate), phentolamine, hy--dralazine, and fenoldopam (Corlopam). Both clevidipine and nicardipine have arapid onset of action (usually 2-4 min); however, clevidipine has a much shorter duration of action (usually <15 min) than nicardipine (at least 3 h). The short duration of action of the new drug permits closer monitoring and adjustment of the blood pressure-lowering response than is possible with nicardipine and other longer-acting agents.
机译:丁酸氯维地平(Cleviprex-The Medicines Company)是一种静脉注射的二氢嘧啶-丁钙通道阻滞剂(CCB)。它在结构上与非洛地平(例如Plendil)关系最密切,但最好将其使用和性质与尼卡地平(Cardene IV)进行比较,因为它们是仅有的两种可用于静脉内使用的二氢吡啶类CCB。尼卡地平也可以胶囊剂(Cardene SR)的形式口服使用。当口服或口服治疗不可行时,克立地平可用于静脉给药以降低血压。对于紧急治疗高血压(例如围手术期高血压,严重高血压)最有用。除氯维地平和尼卡地平外,用于静脉高压治疗的其他药物还包括硝普钠,硝酸甘油,艾莫洛尔(Brevibloc),拉贝洛尔(Trandate),酚妥拉明,Hydralazine和非诺多m(Corlopam)。氯维地平和尼卡地平均起效迅速(通常为2-4分钟)。但是,氯维地平的作用持续时间(通常<15分钟)比尼卡地平(至少3小时)短得多。与尼卡地平和其他长效药物相比,新药作用时间短,可以更紧密地监测和调节降血压反应。



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