首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Pharmacists Association: JAPhA >Risk models to improve safety of dispensing high-alert medications in community pharmacies.

Risk models to improve safety of dispensing high-alert medications in community pharmacies.


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To determine whether sociotechnical probabilistic risk assessment can create accurate approximations of detailed risk models that describe error pathways, estimate the incidence of preventable adverse drug events (PADEs) with high-alert medications, rank the effectiveness of interventions, and provide a more informative picture of risk in the community pharmacy setting than is available currently. Developmental study. 22 community pharmacies representing three U.S. regions. Model-building group: six pharmacists and three technicians. Model validation group: 11 pharmacists; staff at two pharmacies observed. A model-building team built 10 event trees that estimated the incidence of PADEs for four high-alert medications: warfarin, fentanyl transdermal systems, oral methotrexate, and insulin analogs. Validation of event tree structure and incidence of defined PADEs with targeted medications. PADEs with the highest incidence included dispensing the wrong dose/strength of warfarin as a result of data entry error (1.83/1,000 prescriptions), dispensing warfarin to the wrong patient (1.22/1,000 prescriptions), and dispensing an inappropriate fentanyl system dose due to a prescribing error (7.30/10,000 prescriptions). PADEs with the lowest incidence included dispensing the wrong drug when filling a warfarin prescription (9.43/1 billion prescriptions). The largest quantifiable reductions in risk were provided by increasing patient counseling (27-68% reduction), conducting a second data entry verification process during product verification (50-87% reduction), computer alerts that can't be bypassed easily (up to 100% reduction), opening the bag at the point of sale (56% reduction), and use of barcoding technology (almost a 100,000% increase in risk if technology not used). Combining two or more interventions resulted in further overall reduction in risk. The risk models define thousands of ways process failures and behavioral elements combine to lead to PADEs. This level of detail is unavailable from any other source.
机译:为了确定社会技术概率风险评估是否可以创建详细的风险模型的精确近似值,这些模型描述了错误途径,估计了使用高警惕药物的可预防药物不良事件(PADE)的发生率,对干预措施的有效性进行了排序,并提供了更多有关该方面的信息社区药房环境中的风险高于当前水平。发展研究。代表美国三个地区的22家社区药房。模型制定小组:六名药剂师和三名技术员。模型验证小组:11名药剂师;观察到两家药店的工作人员。一个模型构建团队建立了10个事件树,这些树估计了四种高警戒药物:华法林,芬太尼透皮系统,口服甲氨蝶呤和胰岛素类似物的PADE发生率。用目标药物验证事件树结构和定义的PADE的发生率。发生率最高的PADE包括由于数据输入错误而分配了错误的华法林剂量/强度(1.83 / 1,000处方),向错误的患者分配华法林(1.22 / 1,000处方)以及由于以下原因分配了不合适的芬太尼系统剂量处方错误(7.30 / 10,000张处方)。发生率最低的PADE包括在填写华法林处方时(9.43 / 10亿处方)配药错误。最大的可量化风险降低是通过增加患者咨询(减少27-68%),在产品验证过程中进行第二次数据录入验证过程(减少50-87%),无法轻易绕过的计算机警报(最多降低100%),在销售点打开包装袋(降低56%)和使用条形码技术(如果不使用技术,则风险增加近100,000%)。两种或多种干预措施的结合可进一步降低总体风险。风险模型定义了过程故障和行为要素相结合导致PADE的数千种方式。无法从任何其他来源获得此详细信息级别。



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