首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics >The Art and Science of Practice: The Intersection between Liberal Arts and Allied Health

The Art and Science of Practice: The Intersection between Liberal Arts and Allied Health


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So much of modern health care delivery is mechanized: Individuals present for care with an array of signs and symptoms, and the practitioner uses these data to objectively point toward a disease or condition known to encompass these indicators. Clinical determinations are based on comparisons to the measurable data of others, pointing to known causations and correlations yielded in clinical studies. But what if there is not necessarily an immediate or obvious answer to what ails a patient or client? Where do clinicians turn to figure out an answer? The story of health and illness does not end with comparisons against norms and quantifiable data.1 Rather, in matters of wellness as an art, “the healthy state of the single individual patient, as encountered in practicing medicine, can only be determined by comparing the single individual with himself.”1 Does that mean science and art are complementary or exclusive?
机译:如此多的现代医疗保健服务是机械化的:个人到院就诊时会出现一系列的症状和体征,而从业者使用这些数据来客观地指出已知包含这些指标的疾病或状况。临床确定是基于与其他可测量数据的比较,指出了临床研究中已知的因果关系。但是,如果不一定对病人或服务对象的病有直接或明显的答案,该怎么办?临床医生会从哪里找到答案?健康与疾病的故事并没有以与规范和可量化数据的比较结束。1相反,在作为一种艺术的健康问题上,“在治疗药物时遇到的单个患者的健康状况只能通过比较来确定。 1”这意味着科学与艺术是互补的还是排他的?



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