首页> 外文期刊>Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. >Hospitalizations for alcohol and drug overdoses in young adults ages 18-24 in the United States, 1999-2008: results from the nationwide inpatient sample.

Hospitalizations for alcohol and drug overdoses in young adults ages 18-24 in the United States, 1999-2008: results from the nationwide inpatient sample.


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OBJECTIVE: Recent reports indicate an increase in rates of hospitalizations for drug overdoses in the United States. The role of alcohol in hospitalizations for drug overdoses remains unclear. Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs is prevalent in young adults ages 18-24. The present study explores rates and costs of inpatient hospital stays for alcohol overdoses, drug overdoses, and their co-occurrence in young adults ages 18-24 and changes in these rates between 1999 and 2008. METHOD: Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample were used to estimate numbers, rates, and costs of inpatient hospital stays stemming from alcohol overdoses (and their subcategories, alcohol poisonings and excessive consumption of alcohol), drug overdoses (and their subcategories, drug poisonings and nondependent abuse of drugs), and their co-occurrence in 18- to 24-year-olds. RESULTS: Hospitalization rates for alcohol overdoses alone increased 25% from 1999 to 2008, reaching 29,412 cases in 2008 at a cost of Dollars 266 million. Hospitalization rates for drug overdoses alone increased 55%, totaling 113,907 cases in 2008 at a cost of Dollars 737 million. Hospitalization rates for combined alcohol and drug overdoses increased 76%, with 29,202 cases in 2008 at a cost of Dollars 198 million. CONCLUSIONS: Rates of hospitalizations for alcohol overdoses, drug overdoses, and their combination all increased from 1999 to 2008 among 18- to 24-year-olds. The cost of such hospitalizations now exceeds Dollars 1.2 billion annually. The steepest increase occurred among cases of combined alcohol and drug overdoses. Stronger efforts are needed to educate medical practitioners and the public about the risk of overdoses, particularly when alcohol is combined with other drugs.
机译:目的:最近的报告表明,美国因药物过量而住院的比率有所增加。酒精在药物过量住院治疗中的作用尚不清楚。 18-24岁的年轻人普遍过量饮酒和吸毒。本研究探讨了18-24岁的年轻人因酒精过量,药物过量及其共存而住院的费用和费用,以及这些费用在1999年至2008年之间的变化。方法:使用了全国住院患者样本的数据估计因过量服药(及其子类别,酒精中毒和过量饮酒),药物过量(及其子类别,药物中毒和非依赖性药物滥用)及其共同原因造成的住院住院人数,费用和费用发生在18至24岁之间。结果:仅酒精过量的住院率从1999年到2008年增加了25%,2008年达到29,412例,费用为2.66亿美元。仅药物过量的住院率就增加了55%,2008年总计113,907例,费用为7.37亿美元。酗酒和吸毒过量的住院率增加了76%,2008年为29,202例,费用为1.98亿美元。结论:从1999年到2008年,18至24岁年龄段儿童的酒精过量,药物过量及其组合的住院率均有所上升。此类住院的费用现在每年超过12亿美元。酒精和毒品混合使用过量的案例中,增幅最大。需要加大力度来教育医生和公众有关服用过量的风险,特别是当酒精与其他药物混合使用时。



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