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Robotic surgery for treatment of chyluria.


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Chyle is a milky lymphatic fluid that is normally formed in the small intestine to aid in the absorption of dietary fats. Occasionally, chyle leaks into the kidney, ureter, or bladder, which results in chyluria. Chyluria is most commonly caused by the parasite Wuchereria bancrofti and is therefore extremely rare in the USA. The use of robotic surgery for treatment has been suggested as a viable option, but has not been thoroughly reported in the literature. This article reviews the literature on the various treatment options for chyluria and presents the case of a 75-year-old Indian female from the USA who was diagnosed with non-parasitic, persistent chyluria and treated with right robotic ureterolysis, renal hilar dissection and intraperitonealization of the ureter.
机译:Chyle是一种乳状淋巴液,通常在小肠中形成,以帮助吸收膳食脂肪。有时,乳糜会渗入肾脏,输尿管或膀胱,导致乳糜尿。尿道炎最常见的是由寄生虫Wuchereria bancrofti引起,因此在美国极为罕见。已经建议使用机器人手术进行治疗是可行的选择,但是尚未在文献中进行全面报道。本文回顾了有关乳糜尿的各种治疗方法的文献,并介绍了一名来自美国的75岁印度女性的案例,该女性被诊断出无寄生性,持续性乳糜尿,并接受了正确的机器人输尿管溶栓,肾门淋巴结清扫和腹膜内化输尿管。



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