首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotic surgery >Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy after aborted retropubic radical prostatectomy

Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy after aborted retropubic radical prostatectomy


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Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) has surged in popularity since US Food and Drug Administration approval in 2000. Advantages include improved visualization and increased instrument dexterity within the pelvis. Obesity and narrow pelves have been associated with increased difficulty during open retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP), but the robotic platform theoretically allows one to perform a radical prostatectomy despite these challenges. We present an example of a RALP performed following an aborted RRP. A 49-year-old male with intermediate risk prostate cancer and body mass index of 38 kg/m2 presented for RALP after RRP was aborted by an experienced open surgeon following incision of the endopelvic fascia due to poor visualization, a prominent pubic tubercle, and a narrow pelvis. The enhanced visualization and precision of the robotic platform allowed adequate exposure of the prostate and allowed us to proceed with an uncomplicated prostatectomy, which was not possible to perform easily via an open approach. The bladder was densely adherent to the pubis and the anterior prostatic contour and apex were difficult to develop due to a dense fibrotic reaction from the previous endopelvic fascia incision. However, we were able to successfully complete RALP with subtle technical modifications. Estimated blood loss was 160 mL and operating time was 145 min. The patient's pathology was significant for a positive peri-prostatic lymph node and he has been referred to radiation oncology for adjuvant radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy. At 3 months follow-up he had a prostate-specific antigen level of 0.06 ng/mL, partial erections, and mild urinary incontinence requiring one pad per day. Superior intracorporeal laparoscopic visualization and improved instrument dexterity afforded by the robotic surgical platform may make RALP the preferred approach in obese men or men with difficult pelvic anatomy who are deemed poor RRP candidates.
机译:自2000年获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准以来,机器人辅助腹腔镜前列腺切除术(RALP)迅速普及。优势包括改善的可视性和增强的骨盆内器械灵活性。肥胖和狭窄的骨盆与开放性耻骨后前列腺癌根治术(RRP)的难度增加有关,但是尽管有这些挑战,机器人平台理论上仍允许人们进行前列腺癌根治术。我们提供了RRP异常终止后执行RALP的示例。一名49岁的男性,患有中等风险的前列腺癌,体重指数为38 kg / m2,接受RRP后因经验不佳的可视性,突出的耻骨结节,狭窄的骨盆。机器人平台的增强的可视性和精确度允许前列腺充分暴露,并使我们能够进行简单的前列腺切除术,而这是不可能通过开放方法轻易进行的。膀胱紧密贴附在耻骨上,由于先前盆腔内筋膜切口引起的密集纤维化反应,前列腺前部轮廓和顶点难以发育。但是,我们通过细微的技术修改就能成功完成RALP。估计失血量为160毫升,手术时间为145分钟。该患者的病理学对于前列腺癌周围淋巴结阳性很重要,他已被转诊为放射肿瘤学以进行辅助放疗和雄激素剥夺治疗。随访3个月时,他的前列腺特异性抗原水平为0.06 ng / mL,部分勃起和轻度尿失禁,每天需要垫一次。机器人手术平台提供的出色的腹腔内腹腔镜可视化和改进的仪器灵活性,可使RALP成为肥胖男性或骨盆解剖困难的男性(被认为是RRP候选者较差)的首选方法。



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