首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Transplant monitoring for the New Jersey Delaware Bay oyster fisher.

Transplant monitoring for the New Jersey Delaware Bay oyster fisher.


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New Jersey manages a quota-based fishery on its Delaware Bay oyster beds. A transplant program conducted each year to augment the quota moves a small proportion of oysters from upbay beds to downbay beds where the oysters quickly improve in market quality. High mortality rates downbay warrant minimizing the number of small oysters moved downbay and retaining recruitment potential warrants limiting the quantity of cultch moved downbay. Consequently, automatic cullers are used and each transplant is monitored. An observer study was conducted during the 2011 transplant to evaluate the method of transplant monitoring. Samples taken throughout the day were compared with samples taken at the end of the day to determine if end-of-day sampling was sufficient to characterize the entire deckload. No significant difference was found between samples taken periodically during the day and end-of-day samples in 7 of 9 observed deckloads. No significant differences were found between 3 end-of-day samples taken to characterize the deckload and a larger sampling intensity of 12; thus, the current sampling intensity of 3 end-of-day samples to describe the deckload is sufficient. Because of varying gear configurations and economic incentives to load the deck quickly, we also compared cultch fractions and oyster size frequencies among boats. Representative distributions from different boats, days, and beds in the observer data set suggest that boats differing by 6-7% in cultch fraction should be identified routinely as significantly different from other boats. Significant differences were observed in oyster size frequency among boat deckloads more often than in cultch fraction. Further study is needed to determine the extent to which gear configuration affects deckload composition.
机译:新泽西州在特拉华湾牡蛎床上管理基于配额的渔业。每年进行的一项移植计划是为了增加配额,将一小部分牡蛎从上层牡蛎床转移到下层牡蛎床,牡蛎的牡蛎市场质量迅速提高。高死亡率的下湾牡蛎保证金可将下流牡蛎的数量减至最少,并保留潜在的招募令,从而限制了上岸牡蛎的数量。因此,使用了自动剔除器并监视每个移植。 2011年移植期间进行了一项观察员研究,以评估移植监测的方法。将全天取样与一天结束时取样进行比较,以确定日末取样是否足以表征整个甲板负荷。在9个观测到的甲板载荷中的7个中,白天定期采集的样本和一天结束时采集的样本之间没有显着差异。在3个以甲板负载为特征的日末采样与12个较大的采样强度之间没有发现显着差异。因此,目前有3个日末样本的采样强度足以描述甲板负荷。由于齿轮结构的变化和经济诱因,因此需要快速装载甲板,因此,我们还比较了船上的养殖比例和牡蛎大小频率。观察者数据集中来自不同船,日和床的代表性分布表明,通常应将稻比例差异在6%至7%之间的船确定为与其他船明显不同的船。在船甲板载荷中,牡蛎大小频率上的显着差异要多于耕种比例。需要进一步研究以确定齿轮结构影响甲板载荷组成的程度。



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