首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Profiles of biochemical tracers in unionid mussels across a broad geographical range.

Profiles of biochemical tracers in unionid mussels across a broad geographical range.


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As large, long-lived filter feeders with high clearance rates, unionid mussels are capable of altering nutrient cycling in freshwater food webs. Because the effects of mussel communities on ecosystem processes result largely from their feeding behavior, we need to understand how they sample and process particulate matter. Our objective was to determine whether measuring a suite of biochemical markers in unionid mussels, from different populations of 2 species (Amblema plicata, Actinonaias ligamentina) across a broad geographical range (4 North American rivers), would help identify their primary dietary sources. Stable isotope data were able to differentiate mussels among rivers, and sometimes species. Data on delta 15N revealed that mussels fed across trophic levels but that diet varied with habitat and perhaps species. Although mussels contained the same types of fatty acids regardless of river or species, we nonetheless observed considerable variation in essential fatty acid content across rivers. Essential fatty acid profiles were dominated consistently by arachidonic acid. Source-specific fatty acid biomarkers suggested that bacterial and detrital resources might be as important as algae in many habitats. In summary, biochemical metrics differed more among rivers than between species. This suggests that mussels are either considerably adaptable in their dietary requirements or that they feed nonselectively. Understanding nutritional profiles in mussels will help restore unionid communities, which may lead to the reestablishment of their critical role as nutrient recyclers in freshwater food webs.
机译:作为具有高清除率的大型,长寿命过滤器进料器,贻贝贻贝能够改变淡水食物网中的养分循环。由于贻贝群落对生态系统过程的影响主要源于它们的摄食行为,因此我们需要了解它们如何采样和处理颗粒物。我们的目标是确定在广泛的地理范围(北美4条河流)中,从2种不同种群(Amblema plicata,Actinonaias ligamentina)的不同种群中测量一套贻贝中的生化标记,是否有助于确定其主要饮食来源。稳定的同位素数据能够区分河流和某些物种之间的贻贝。关于δ 15 N的数据表明,贻贝的营养水平较高,但其饮食随生境和物种的不同而不同。尽管贻贝包含相同类型的脂肪酸,而与河流或物种无关,但我们仍观察到河流中必需脂肪酸含量存在很大差异。必需脂肪酸概况始终由花生四烯酸主导。特定于源的脂肪酸生物标志物表明,在许多栖息地中,细菌和碎屑资源可能与藻类一样重要。总之,河流之间的生化指标差异大于物种之间的差异。这表明贻贝要么在其饮食需求上具有很大的适应性,要么它们的选择是非选择性的。了解贻贝的营养状况将有助于恢复工会体群落,这可能导致其在淡水食物网中作为营养循环利用者的关键作用重新确立。



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