首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >In situ measurements of seston uptake by constructed/restored oysterreefs in south Carolina

In situ measurements of seston uptake by constructed/restored oysterreefs in south Carolina


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One of the metrics that can be used to assess the success of restored oyster reefs is their effect on water quality. This presentation describes a novel technique we have developed to provide rapid assessment of seston uptake (removal) by dense populations of bivalve molluscs, focusing on data gathered during May 2005 from five shellfish reefs of different ages, bivalve densities, and other characteristics in South Carolina. The overall technique involved concurrent sampling upstream and downstream of each study reef with in situ fluorometers and pumped water for laboratory analyses. In situ fluorometry detected significant differences between mean upstream and downstream readings for all five reefs, with total seston uptake ranging from 1.9% to 23.1%. Laboratory analysis of chlorophyll a concentrations in pumped water samples taken concurrently with the in situ fluorometry data showed substantial variability between upstream and downstream data, except for one reef which indicated an overall 35% uptake rate (compared to 23.1% based on in situ fluorometry data). As a control, sampling over recently constructed reefs (shell only) did not result in any measurable seston loss from the water column. Our system is a fast and effective approach to quantifying seston removal, and when data are logged at short-term intervals (seconds) potentially provides information on variations in feeding rates and related processes typically only available in laboratory studies.
机译:可以用来评估恢复的牡蛎礁成功与否的指标之一是它们对水质的影响。本演讲介绍了我们已经开发出的一种新技术,可用于快速评估密集的双壳贝类种群对活塞的摄取(去除),重点是2005年5月从南卡罗来纳州五个不同年龄,双壳类密度和其他特征的贝类礁石收集的数据。整个技术涉及用原位荧光计同时对每个研究礁石的上游和下游进行采样,并抽水进行实验室分析。原位荧光测定法检测到所有五个礁石的平均上游和下游读数之间存在显着差异,总的硒摄入量为1.9%至23.1%。对现场抽取的水样同时进行的抽水样品中叶绿素a浓度的实验室分析显示,上游和下游数据之间存在很大的差异,除了一块礁石表明总体吸收率为35%(基于原位荧光法的数据为23.1%) )。作为对照,对最近建造的珊瑚礁(仅贝壳)采样不会导致水柱中可测量的活塞损失。我们的系统是一种快速有效的方法,用于量化去除活塞的情况,当以短期间隔(秒)记录数据时,可能会提供有关进料速度和相关过程变化的信息,通常仅在实验室研究中可用。



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