首页> 外文期刊>Journal of sleep research >Temporal profile of prolonged, night-time driving performance: breaks from driving temporarily reduce time-on-task fatigue but not sleepiness.

Temporal profile of prolonged, night-time driving performance: breaks from driving temporarily reduce time-on-task fatigue but not sleepiness.


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Breaks are often used by drivers to counteract sleepiness and time-on-task fatigue during prolonged driving. We examined the temporal profile of changes in driving performance, electroencephalogram (EEG) activity and subjective measures of sleepiness and fatigue during prolonged nocturnal driving in a car simulator. In addition, the study examined the impact of regular breaks from driving on performance, sleepiness and fatigue. Healthy volunteers (n=12, 23-45 years) maintained a regular sleep-wake pattern for 14 days and were then in a laboratory from 21:00 to 08:30 hours. The driving simulator scene was designed to simulate monotonous night-time rural driving. Participants drove 4 x 2-h test sessions, with a break from driving of 1 h between each session. During the break participants performed tests assessing sleepiness and fatigue, and psychomotor performance (~30 mins), and then were permitted to sit quietly. They were monitored for wakefulness, and not permitted to nap or ingest caffeine. EEG was recorded during the driving task, and subjective assessments of sleepiness and fatigue were obtained at the start and completion of each session. We found that driving performance deteriorated (2.5-fold), EEG delta, theta and alpha activity increased, and subjective sleepiness and fatigue ratings increased across the testing period. Driving performance and fatigue ratings improved following the scheduled breaks from driving, while the breaks did not affect EEG activity and subjective sleepiness. Time-on-task effects increased through the testing period, indicating that these effects are exacerbated by increasing sleepiness. Breaks from driving without sleep temporarily ameliorate time-on-task fatigue, but provide little benefit to the sleepy driver.
机译:驾驶员经常使用休息时间来抵消长时间驾驶过程中的困倦和工作时间疲劳。我们在长时间的夜间驾驶汽车模拟器中检查了驾驶性能,脑电图(EEG)活动以及睡意和疲劳的主观测量值的时间变化。此外,研究还检查了定期开车休息对性能,困倦和疲劳的影响。健康志愿者(n = 12,23-45岁)保持规律的睡眠-觉醒模式14天,然后在21:00至08:30时在实验室中。驾驶模拟器场景旨在模拟单调的夜间乡村驾驶。参加者进行了4 x 2小时的测试,每次驾驶之间间隔1小时。休息期间,参与者进行了测试,以评估嗜睡和疲劳以及心理运动表现(约30分钟),然后被允许安静地坐着。监测他们的清醒状态,不允许小睡或摄入咖啡因。在驾驶任务期间记录脑电图,并在每次训练的开始和结束时获得对困倦和疲劳的主观评估。我们发现在整个测试期间,驾驶性能下降(2.5倍),EEG增量,θ和α活性增加,主观嗜睡和疲劳等级增加。计划的驾驶休息时间后,驾驶性能和疲劳等级得到改善,而休息时间并未影响脑电图活动和主观嗜睡。在整个测试期间,任务持续时间的影响增加了,表明增加嗜睡会加剧这些影响。不睡觉的休息时间暂时减轻了工作时间的疲劳感,但对昏昏欲睡的驾驶员几乎没有好处。



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