
Regulating exposure of the lens of the eye to ionising radiations


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The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has reviewed recent epidemiological evidence suggesting that, for the lens of the eye, the threshold in absorbed dose for the induction of deleterious health effects is about 0.5Gy. On this basis, the Commission recommends that for occupational exposure in planned exposure situations, the equivalent dose limit for the lens of the eye should be 20mSv in a year, averaged over defined periods of 5yr, with exposure not exceeding 50mSv in any single year. This paper summarises the data that have been taken into account by the ICRP and critically examines whether the proposed downward revision of the dose limit is justified. Overall, it is concluded that the accumulating radiobiological and epidemiological evidence makes it more appropriate to treat cataract induction as a stochastic rather than a deterministic effect. Within this framework, it is illogical to have the same dose limit for the lens of the eye as for the whole body irradiated uniformly. This could be addressed either by removing the special dose limit for the lens of the eye, assigning it an appropriate tissue weighting factor and including it in the computation of the effective dose, or through a composite approach involving the use of a tissue weighting factor for effective dose computations together with a special limit on the equivalent dose to the lens of the eye to ensure that no individual was subject to an unacceptably high risk of induction of clinically significant cataracts.



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