首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Root Crops >Effect of Trichoderma harzianum and fungicides on plant growth and intensity of collar rot of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius).

Effect of Trichoderma harzianum and fungicides on plant growth and intensity of collar rot of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius).

机译:哈茨木霉和杀真菌剂对象脚山药(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)植物生长和衣领腐烂强度的影响。

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The effects of fungicides and T. harzianum on the performance of A. paeoniifolius (cv. Gajendra) and on the incidence of collar rot (caused by Sclerotium rolfsii [Corticium rolfsii]) were studied in Jorhat, Assam, India, during 1999 and 2000. Before planting, corms were treated with T. harzianum conidial suspension (109 conidia/ml) overnight and dried in the shade. For the fungicide treatment, corms were treated with 0.2% solutions of captan and carbendazim for 30 minutes. T. harzianum on wheat bran was also applied to soil at 20 g per plant during planting, and at 30 and 45 days after planting (DAP). Captan (0.1%) and carbendazim (0.1%) were also applied as soil drench at 500 ml per plant. The population densities of T. harzianum and S. rolfsii in the rhizosphere of A. paeoniifolius were evaluated at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAP. Observations on plant growth and yield parameters were recorded from 30 to 75 DAP at 15-day intervals. Soil treatment was more effective than corm treatment in the enhancement of plant height, canopy size and yield, and in the reduction of disease intensity, but the combination between both application methods was the most effective. A negative correlation between the population of S. rolfsii and the population of T. harzianum was observed except at 30 DAP. All the treatments were superior to the control in reducing the disease intensity. The combination of corm and soil treatment with T. harzianum recorded the lowest relative disease intensity (9.43) and the highest yield (35.67 t/ha).
机译:在1999年至2000年期间,在印度阿萨姆邦的乔哈特研究了杀菌剂和哈茨木霉对pa曲叶A. paeoniifolius(cv。Gajendra)的性能和衣领腐烂(由Sclerotium rolfsii [Corticium rolfsii]造成)的影响。种植前,将球茎用哈茨木霉分生孢子悬浮液(109分生孢子/ ml)处理过夜,并在阴凉处干燥。对于杀菌剂处理,将球茎用0.2%的己丹和多菌灵溶液处理30分钟。小麦麸皮上的哈茨木霉也以每株20 g的价格在种植期间以及种植后30和45天(DAP)的土壤中施用。还以每株500 ml的土壤浸湿量使用了Captan(0.1%)和多菌灵(0.1%)。以30、45、60和75 DAP评估pa药根茎土壤中的哈茨木霉和罗氏沙门氏菌的种群密度。每隔15天从30到75 DAP记录植物生长和产量参数的观察结果。在增加株高,冠层大小和产量以及降低病害强度方面,土壤处理比球茎处理更有效,但两种施用方法的组合最为有效。除在第30天DAP以外,观察到罗氏链球菌种群与哈茨木霉种群之间呈负相关。在降低疾病强度方面,所有治疗均优于对照。球茎和土壤处理与哈茨木霉的组合记录的最低病害相对强度(9.43)和最高产量(35.67 t / ha)。



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